public versus private

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Why FCC Wants Net Neutral Control Of Internet

 The FCC Wants Control of Broadband Providers Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "We discussed the Internet being taken over by the FCC.  This is attempt number two of the FCC trying to gain control of the levers of Internet power.  It’s easy to figure out why they would want to do this.  What I don’t understand, or now that I think about this -- there’s a story in the Wall […]

todayApril 28, 2014 5

Transcripts Is Proving Why It’s Best To Leave Government Out Of The Marketplace

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – The reason I bring that up is because Apple can get away with that. They have engineers that are doing this for profit. They have engineers whose very livelihoods and you could almost say lives are on the line if they don’t fix whatever that glitch was and get it right. The people that are engineers at, they don’t have any vested interest […]

todayNovember 25, 2013 5


Why We’re Called to Give The Shirts Off Our Backs To The Poor & The Government Isn’t

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – To say financial ruin and financial decline is in our future if we don’t borrow more money is to equate our financial enterprises with debt and with government servitude.  God calls us to Give The Shirts Off Our Backs to the poor. Is that worthy of a manly sentiment from free people or is that a bunch of people who probably lost their way […]

todayOctober 14, 2013 8
