
11 Results / Page 1 of 2



FLASHBACK: Paleocons vs Libertarians in Russell Kirk’s “Chirping Sectaries”

Editor's Note: ORIGINALLY PUBLISHED 16 August, 2012 Mandeville, LA - Since the subject of Tradition vs Reason come sup nearly every day on the Mike Church Show, I thought it would be helpful to lay out what the differences are - or were - between Libertarians & their practice of Reason and Paleocon/Tradcons and their defense and study of Tradition. M.E. Bradfor's opus magnus "A Better Guide Than Reason" takes […]

todayNovember 10, 2021 35


Agreeing To Disagree Is Not How Intelligent People Debate

  Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – I was reading this essay by Alan Jacobs at The Imaginative Conservative last night, under the title of “Agreeing to Disagree.”  Mr. Jacobs posits that there's not enough agreeing to disagree out there.  Too many people are not agreeing to disagree, practicing judgment porn and using microaggressions to get angry at people.  Check out today’s transcript for the rest…. FOLKS, a message from […]

todayAugust 26, 2015 21

Daily Clip

Change The World By Being Christian

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – There is no intelligent discourse, or there is very little.  The reason there is very little is because people would have to be intelligent and would have to acknowledge that they have an intellect in order to use it.  Most people don't acknowledge it, and the reason they don't acknowledge it is because they don't acknowledge that there are two realms in which we […]

todayJuly 20, 2015 8


Interview with Joseph Pearce on Ideology

Putting People Into Ideological Camps To Program Them Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "We are in for a very turbulent future.  Professor Joseph Pearce is on the Dude Maker Hotline with us.  I just read this in recent days here, that is the encyclical of Pope Leo XIII, Rerum Novarum.  In it, Leo XIII declares that modernity is the sum total of all heresies."  Check out today’s transcript for […]

todayJuly 1, 2015 5


Jurassic Arrogance

What We Can Learn From God Talk In Jurassic Park? Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "Dr. Michael Crichton was a brilliant critical thinker.  I’m not sure of his religious affiliations, but it seems to me that the ethical questions that he asks in his books are the same ethical questions that Christians have been asking since our Lord walked the earth.  Dr. Crichton’s work is just filled with admonitions about: […]

todayApril 22, 2015 7

Daily Clip

ObamaCare: Congress’s Phony Arguments Produce Real Misery

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "...when Obamacare came up.  'The American people are not getting all the medical care that’s available to them.'  There were people that argued against this using logic, minor logic.  How do we know who all are?  You don’t know that.  You can’t prove that.  It didn’t matter.  The debate was then conducted based on a false premise.  If you deduct debates to try to get […]

todayApril 20, 2015 8


Education Per Aquinas

A Mystery That Will Never Be Solved Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "This is one of the things about the classic rite of education.  It doesn’t have a goal, a specific economic goal or a productive goal as its result.  It has as its objective the cultivation of the human intellect, to teach man how to think not what to think.  This is so important.  This is like the nomocratic […]

todayJanuary 14, 2015 5


A Return To Reason, God And Faith Can Cure What Ails Us

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Who is this God that you speak of and what is this reason? Reason is a creation of philosophical men. One of the early instances or early attempts to remove the spiritual from the daily affairs and decision-making process of men was to assign this thing called reason. Check out today’s transcript for the rest…

todaySeptember 12, 2013 9


News Is Bad And It’s Bad For You, Too

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – I have often said that the internet has made us dumber. All one has to do to see evidence of this is go through your email box on any given day. Look at the things that are forwarded to you. Just sample some of them and read some of them. You will ultimately find that many of them are, at best, urban legends. Most […]

todayApril 25, 2013 15
