
125 Results / Page 6 of 14



Is Rand Paul A Neoconfederate Sympathizer, Whatever That Is?

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – I would like to discover here, I continue on my voyage of discovery, what in the Hades is a neoconfederate sympathy? Does having a neoconfederate sympathy mean you had a relative who was shot and killed at Antietam and you put flowers on their grave and you don’t pitch a hissy fit because there’s a Confederate battle flag on the grave marker? Is that […]

todayAugust 9, 2013 14

Founders Television

T-T-Tomorrow’s News Today… Not Always R-R-Right, But FAST

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Video and Audio - Did you know you can get tomorrow's news today? That's the way the news business works today. They receive their editorial submissions in the evening for tomorrow's print edition... and go ahead and publish them on the web that evening or night. But that doesn't always mean that news is reliable. For instance... this article on the NY Slimes by James Traub […]

todayAugust 8, 2013 8


Are You A True Follower Of The Founding Fathers Or Just Going With The Crowd?

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Back to this “Plague of Republican Ignorance” piece and the general theme, what Mr. Egerer is writing about is the fact that if you really desire this relationship, this monogamous relationship with the founding fathers, wouldn’t it behoove you to actually at least attempt to study what it was that they studied? Check out today’s transcript for the rest…

todayAugust 5, 2013 2


Caller Jo Gets History Lesson on The Purpose of the United States Senate

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Now we’re talking about things that really shouldn’t matter. The purpose of the United States Senate, as I understand it from my old, antiquated, fuddy-duddy, useless study these days of the federal constitution and how it came about, my understanding of it is that the Senate was created so that the little states could not be trounced by the large states, and so that […]

todayJuly 25, 2013 6


Equal Opportunity Tyranny – Partisan Politics Is To Divide The People Not The Power

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – It doesn’t matter who it is that’s applying for these tax-exempt status and who it is that is being demonized or harassed or vilified or whatever the case may be when it comes to acquiring the tax-exempt status. The fact that it’s happening is injurious enough. To assign the political or partisan, to try to make it nothing more than a partisan issue does […]

todayJuly 23, 2013 8

Founders Television

Be Careful What You Say in American Politics… Especially if You Are Pigmentally Challenged

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Video and Audio - Jack Hunter is with Rand Paul as Social Media Director no more. The Southern Avenger aims to avenge his good name from those who have tried to make it an adverb as in "you're not going to go all Southern Avenger on me now are you, Cletus?" Jack has not physically hurt anyone, he has not defamed anyone, he has merely spoken […]

todayJuly 23, 2013 11


American Exceptionalism Demagoguery, Lincoln Myths, And Rand Paul

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – By the way, Mr. Goldberg, while we’re on the subject, if you want to start convicting people and accusing them of bigotry and bile, why don’t you read to your National Review Online audience -- or would you like me to do it for you? -- some of the more particular and unbelievably racist sentiments and writings of the great Abraham Lincoln? Check out […]

todayJuly 17, 2013 24


Will Texas Defend Its Sovereignty For The Abortion Bill?

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Would the preservation then of life itself be an instigation enough for Texas to actually think about what it is that the Texas Nationalist Movement has been advocating for over a decade and rid yourself of the exterior force that inviolates your laws, orders, your people about, confiscate your private property, regulate your air and water, spies on your citizens without approbation and the […]

todayJuly 9, 2013 8


The Power Is With The People But We Have To Reclaim It First

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Franklin, you have swallowed whole, my friend, the red versus blue, right versus left, liberal versus conservative, Republican versus Democrat propaganda. It is nothing more than propaganda, my friend. They’re all equally corrupt. They are all equally and dispassionately involved in the redistribution of mammoth amounts of money that does not belong to them. They all routinely violate their oaths of office. They all […]

todayJune 27, 2013 9
