Russell Kirk

66 Results / Page 5 of 8



The Conservative Brand And True Conservatism Are Two Very Different Things

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – I would like to draw the distinction between what basically today is entertainment that is labeled and branded as intellectual thought. It’s not intellectual thought. It is entertainment that may be amenable and may appeal to people who believe themselves to be conservative, but it is not an intellectual and well thought out and principled conservatism, not of the order of the Russell Kirks […]

todayApril 27, 2013 9


God Is The Answer And Must Be Restored

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - Why do they continue to tell us that there really is no God and he has no part in any of our affairs public or private? Why do they continue to tell us that there is no such thing as good manners, because if you exhibit good manners you must be some sort of a chauvinistic, bigoted pig? Why, Mr. Church, why? The why […]

todayMarch 29, 2013 12


Are You Political Or Politicized?

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – We always think of things in terms of politics. Everything is political, especially when you are doing talk radio. You’re supposed to be all political all the time. There’s no room for the philosophical. There’s no room for the intellectual. By the by, the intellectual is separable from the political. The two are not joined at the hip. Check out today’s transcript for the […]

todayMarch 26, 2013 29


Conservative Is Just A Brand…And It’s Definitely Not Libertarian

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Conservatism has very little to do with politics. As a matter of fact, the natural conservative inclination is to not get involved in politics because of its corrupting influences. The conservative instinct is to always try and prevent most things from becoming part of the political process. That ought to be the natural position of the conservative, that the things we want to preserve […]

todayFebruary 22, 2013 4


If We’re Going to Have Mental Health Test for Gun Owners… Why Not For Fat People?

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Audio and Transcript - What about fat people? More people die from obesity than die from gun violence every year. Shouldn’t we try to figure out what the mental state of mind is of Fat Albert, try to figure out how we can stop fat people from becoming fat? Maybe there’s a mental health cure. Maybe if we just mentally observed. Hang on, before you can […]

todayDecember 19, 2012 8


Pat Buchanan: We Are A Soulless People Explains Newtown, CT… NOT Guns

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - After I was done weeping for those children, as I sat there like a sponge in a chair boohooing and praying for those children’s souls in Connecticut, the next thought turns to anger, then rage, then to why. Then when you start trying to process it, or the way my mind works anyways, my next thought was: What is it that was lacking in […]

todayDecember 19, 2012 8

Daily Clip

Caller Rejects Humane Economy… Wants to be Radically Autonomous

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Audio and Transcript - When I hear you say “They can’t come home. Get out. Who is this freeloader here?” Maybe he’s not really a freeloader. Maybe you’re looking at the glass the wrong way. Maybe the natural tendency always was to go home. Maybe the natural conservative leaning is that we have homes and a housing market so that homes are not investment, homes are […]

todayNovember 30, 2012 13


“National Greatness Conservatism” No Link to GOP

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - Conservatism’s advance or conservatism’s defense and then advance should not be predicated upon its marriage to a political party. The political party ought to be courting us. We should not be courting the political party. That equation is backwards. We’re the leaders that if the party wants to use our brain trust, if they’re smart and want to organize and retool what it is […]

todayNovember 28, 2012 10

Daily Clip

Zmirak: Catholics Need to Stand and Defend; Mike: Gentlemanly Virtue is Missing

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Audio and Transcript - Faith, family, dress, these are all themes of the revolution that’s going on, I believe, out there in many of your households already, and that is for the American man, the American husband, the husband that is an American, the man that is an American, the civic leaders have to reemerge and reassert. Be a man; don’t be a feminist. You’re not […]

todayNovember 16, 2012 18
