Russell Kirk

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Colorado Shooter May Be Sane, Crooked Culture May Be To Blame

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - We’re not constrained by anything anymore.  We’re not constrained by the goodness of a good, moral imagination that sees the human condition as an exercise in bringing out the good in people instead of allowing the evil to show itself and then praising it, which is what we do with our various moralities, whether it’s sexual or other perversions that we seem to have […]

todayJuly 24, 2012 6

Pile Of Prep

Fast & Dubious-How Congress Violated Its Oath, Birthed a Monster & Now Wants to Spank Its Own Baby

From Today's Mike Church Show: The Great Russell Kirk on Wilhelm Roepke's "Humane Economy" discussed in today's final hour on the show & the Post Show Show FLASHBACK: Tom Woods on the phony case for Presidential War Powers - could be called phony case for Executive privilege Columnist: Romney to the LEFT of Senate GOP (and there are some BIG spenders in that bunch) Krauthammer to Obama: Time to stop […]

todayJune 21, 2012 9

Pile Of Prep

Obama To Hard Working Americans: Vacations For Me But Not For Thee

Our fearless, overworked Dear Leader tells St Louis TV interviewer that WE know that HE works hard and deserves all this First Family road trips The Obama's NEEDED Michelle's $321k salary according to the Envier in Chief Buy more "Audacity..." books! Obama's escape having to pay the "Buffet Rule" tax penalty he has been hawking Writer claims he has solved the great mystery of life: Why Libs and Conservatives disagree […]

todayApril 16, 2012 6
