Transcripts Size Matters! Smallest Constitutional Republics Are The Richest [r]epublics Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – So this led me to do a little bit of research here that is not conventional this morning. You’re not going to get this treatment anywhere else. I’m happy to share this with you. We all like to talk about how prosperous or how not prosperous we are. Many of you love to stand in the end zone, spike the football in the face of […] todayAugust 7, 2014 8
insert_link Transcripts North Colorado Secession Could Mean A 51st State Or A Monaco In Middle America Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Do you people actually have the unmitigated gall and audacity to defy your state overlords and to tell them to go pound sand, that your resources are your own, that your guns are your own, that your rights granted from God are your own and are not theirs to toy and monkey around with because they live in rotting cesspools of large cities and […] todayJune 11, 2013 26
insert_link Transcripts Human Scale – Big Government Equals Big Power Equals Big Tyranny Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Another thing no the same subject, why do we always think of things in terms of large, ginormous scales? I have a friend that asked me two weeks ago, almost to the day: Mike, why don’t we think in terms of American secession and American independence and American republicanism, why do we think of it in terms of cities, in terms of towns or […] todayJune 10, 2013 10
insert_link Founders Television A Long Time Ago, In A Galaxy Far, Far Away… There Was a Republic Called San Marino Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Video and Audio - Ok, the Republic of San Marino WAS founded a long time ago (3 September 301 AD) but it's not in another galaxy... it occupies just over 24 sq miles on the east coast of Italy. Why is San Marino important you may ask? Well, they have the worlds oldest written constitution still in effect, and how did it get that way? They […] todayJanuary 16, 2013 3
insert_link Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts Listener Calls Crusade Channel “Rolex Quality” – The Mike Church Show todayFebruary 27, 2018 1757