
12 Results / Page 1 of 2


Founders Corner

Trump Should Read Thomas Jefferson’s First Inaugural Speech

Inauguration Speech of Thomas Jefferson 4 March, 1801 Friends and Fellow-Citizens: CALLED upon to undertake the duties of the first executive office of our country, I avail myself of the presence of that portion of my fellow-citizens which is here assembled to express my grateful thanks for the favor with which they have been pleased to look toward me, to declare a sincere consciousness that the task is above my […]

todayJanuary 20, 2025 106



Beautiful Fall In New Hampshire With Mike Church & The Saint Benedict Center Conference

Mandeville, LA - Mike Church will be giving the Saturday morning keynote address at the annual Saint Benedict Center Conference in Richmond NH. Please make plans to attend Mike's talk: “The only step forward, is the step backward.” Come to meet Brother Andre-Stay For Mike Church As Your Host! Mike will be in attendance and broadcasting LIVE! on Friday, Oct 12th and Saturday October 13th. Ticket info is below, reserve […]

todaySeptember 6, 2018 15


Mike Church LIVE! Appearance – 2018 Catholic Identity Conference, Register Now!

Mandeville, LA - The 2018 Catholic Identity Conference has asked Mike to speak at its 2018 conference in Pittsburgh and he has accepted the invite. PLEASE, CRUSADERS, register NOW for this conference and let's show the fine folks at the CIC that The Little Station That Could-turns out in force! I'll be on-site all weekend AND broadcasting LIVE! The latest additions to our roster include Professor Roberto de Mattei from […]

todaySeptember 6, 2018 14

Book Mike As A Speaker

Announcing Mike Church’s “Civilization From 6 Words” Tour

Mandeville, LA - Mike Church, the Longest Running Radio Talk Show on SiriusXM Satellite Radio's history, and now the founder of the Veritas Radio Network's CRUSADE Channel has announced a speaking tour called "Civilization In 6 Words". The tour begins Wednesday evening at the tour kickoff hosted by the New Orleans Mysterium Fidei (Latin Mass Society). Tour dates are already scheduled in 3 other venues. • Middletown New Jersey • […]

todayApril 11, 2018 17


Mike Church Speech – How I learned to Stop Worrying & Save The Free World

Mandeville, LA - These are remarks given to the 20th annual, Saint Benedict Center Conference in Richmond, NH on Saturday, 07 October, 2017 at 11:00 a.m. “Here is what I have to tell you, Dwight Eisenhower, Mr. President, head of our great nation: Unless you become a Catholic, a Roman Catholic, before you die and unless you...become an adopted son of God the Father...and a child of the Blessed Virgin […]

todayOctober 14, 2017 12

The Speeches

Speech by Mike Church-Gentlemen: Time To Save The Free World

Mandeville, LA - This talk was delivered on 18 May, 2017 at Saint Catherine of Lebouré Catholic Church in  Middletown, NJ. The Catholic Gentleman’s Guide To ReConquest How to apply The Faith to your vocation and change the world. There’s only 1 reconciliation and one act of contrition so why do we treat Sin as though it only occurs at home? • Begin with a JP II quote: “Man is […]

todayMay 20, 2017 8

Book Mike As A Speaker

Book Mike Church For Your Event To Deliver Founding Fathers Red Pills, LIVE!

Mandeville, LA - I have spoken in every region of the United States, from Reno NV to Richmond NH and everywhere in between and I'd love to come speak at your event next! I bring 15 years of public speaking experience, every venue from large convention halls to VFW Halls and even living rooms. I can tailor a talk based on your theme or you can pick any topic I use in my […]

todayApril 5, 2017 5



Trump Speech: Boots on Mars, Military Bases On Hoth Run By Over-Paid Women-Yaaaaay Populism

State of The Trump Speech: The Good, The Bad & The Feminine Unreal. Mandeville, La - For a first effort, this was a clear winner for the USA! USA! Trump voter, who got the ill-advised red-meat, biggest military in the history of the universe, promise they wanted. They got the USA! USA! $1Trillion New, Stimulus, Succubus, Porkulus "Infrastructure" project they howled for tonight but booed and protested for 3 years […]

todayFebruary 28, 2017 3

Book Mike To Speak


Monroe County, MI - APOSTALATE  DENIED: APATHY AND THE PRO-LIFE MOVEMENT, 15 OCTOBER, 2015 Written and delivered by Mike Church, a Speech for the Monroe County, Michigan, Right to Life Fund. On the way back to Louisiana, from Michigan, Mike was informed of his demise at SiriusXM Satellite radio. Read all about it and listen to the farewell show here.   APOSTALATE DENIED: APATHY AND THE PRO-LIFE MOVEMENT Remarks written for delivery to […]

todayJuly 25, 2016 15
