supreme court

116 Results / Page 3 of 13



The Libs Were Practically Canonized When They Refused To Enforce Marriage Laws

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – February 24th, 2011, I’ll read you the headline, “Obama administration will no longer defend DOMA.”  Wait a minute.  He's the chief county clerk of the whole world, Obama, isn't he?  Eric Holder is the chief county clerk of all the attorneys general and district attorneys of Earth, ain't he?  Why weren't they publicly pilloried?  Check out today’s transcript for the rest…. FOLKS, a message […]

todaySeptember 11, 2015 13


Federal Overlords To KY Peasants ‘You Will Marry Gays And You Will Like It’

  Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – “Supreme Court rejects county official’s request in [homosexual union] case.”  The actual title says “gay-marriage case” but I'm not reading that title because there's no such thing.  It's an oxymoron.  All of you out there that are standing athwart invincible ignorance yelling think know this.  That's our motto now.  Check out today’s transcript for the rest…. FOLKS, a message from Mike - The Audio […]

todaySeptember 11, 2015 19


Donald Livingston Interview: The Supremacy Clause For Dummies

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - I think what he just explained to you -- this is just another point of view in a long string of explanations, Professor Livingston -- is that you’ve been taught to understand the constitutional order as specifically and totally defined by the federal judiciary when we know from the admonitions of the framers of the Constitution that the government cannot possibly be the sole […]

todaySeptember 3, 2015 16


The Homosexual “Law of The Land” Is Not A Law At All, And You Are NOT Required to “Obey It”

Mandeville, LA - Rowan County Kentucky Court Clerk Kim Davis refuses to issue “marriage licenses” to homosexuals and she is right to do so, and worthy of your [re]publican and Christian defense, despite the reigning “media” authorities of our time insisting that she “enforce the law.” Who is actually a St. Benedict or a Benedict Arnold here? I humbly submit certain conservative writers are in Red Coat uniform, and here’s why. UPDATE 10:10 P.M. […]

todaySeptember 2, 2015 5

Daily Clip

Autocrats And Nationalists

  Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Thus the threat of the third-party Ross Perot scenario becomes very real.  The longer this goes on, the longer this continues, the more real and likely the Perot scenario or the Buchanan scenario becomes.  Look, I don't have any problem with it.  I don't want to live under Mrs. Clinton, which I think that's what it will produce.  Check out today’s transcript for […]

todayAugust 31, 2015 16


Delegate Bob Marshall – Defund Planned Parenthood

  Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Delegate Bob Marshall is on the Dude Maker Hotline with us.  As always, you dazzle me with your common sense.  This is the way the law ought to work, Bob.  We ought to be able to sit around a coffee shop and go well, the Assembly ought to do this.  Congress ought to do this.  It shouldn't fall into the hands of allegedly […]

todayAugust 9, 2015 8

Daily Clip

Mike, Solution To SCOTUS Decision On Marriage

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – I predict we will very soon see communal, Catholic & Orthodox Christian gatherings of families and single laity.  The effort must now be to stop associating with the pagan idolaters in any and every way imaginable. You people that accuse me of never providing a solution, well, here’s one simple man, yours truly, and a proposed solution.  Do what you will with it.  Check […]

todayJuly 2, 2015 8

Founders Television

Interview with Kevin Gutzman: Scalia Not The Pillar of Conservatism He Is Thought To Be

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Video and Audio - How did Scalia become the "strict Constitutionalist" of the Supreme Court? Is it based more on image than actual decisions? You could certainly make a case for that based on his latest decision in the Arizona case. If anything, Thomas is the more Conservative on the Supreme Court, but he doesn't keep up appearances like Scalia does. But does anyone think the […]

todayJune 25, 2015 9


SCOTUS Defining Marriage

"The Corruption of the Best is the Worst" Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "Really, the fate of marriage as a sacramental institution that has one definition and one definition only rests in the hands of the magisterium of their church.  It just happens to be my church and yours and many other people’s.  You see where I’m going with this."  Check out today’s transcript for the rest…. Begin Mike Church […]

todayMay 14, 2015 8
