
84 Results / Page 10 of 10



Amazon Caves to Sales Tax Collectors

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - There are seven or eight states that they are talking to to cut sales tax deals with, where Amazon will collect the sales tax. If I have to pay the sales tax of California when I shop in Louisiana, and one of the principle advantages I have at Amazon is that I don’t pay the sales tax, why would I shop there?  I’ll just […]

todayMay 4, 2012 7


Interview with Glenn Addison

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - Be sure and check out today's interview with Mr. Glenn Addison, a small-business funeral director, who is running for a Senate seat in the state of Texas. His policies advocate a return to common sense and [r]epublicanism. In this interview Mr. Addison talks about numerous topics that relate to his policies including the debt and deficit, eliminating different Federal agencies, and education. He also […]

todayMay 1, 2012 15

Pile Of Prep

Feds To Texas: Obey Your Federal Overlords & Help Kill Those Babies Like We Told You

Federal Judge rules that Texas MUST provide funding for "women's health care" program that funds Planned Parenthood-Wack: Judge says "free speech" rights violated by TEXAS law VIDEO: Ron Paul vs Paul Krugman allegedly debate economics. Krugman spends his time telling fairy tales about miracle bankers while Paul argues the history and facts of the Fed I knew it: Two hack political scientists spend millions of 501c3 slush to prove that […]

todayApril 30, 2012 10
