
45 Results / Page 4 of 5



Agreeing To Disagree Is Not How Intelligent People Debate

  Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – I was reading this essay by Alan Jacobs at The Imaginative Conservative last night, under the title of “Agreeing to Disagree.”  Mr. Jacobs posits that there's not enough agreeing to disagree out there.  Too many people are not agreeing to disagree, practicing judgment porn and using microaggressions to get angry at people.  Check out today’s transcript for the rest…. FOLKS, a message from […]

todayAugust 26, 2015 20


Do Not “Agree Disagree” To When The Truth Is On One Side-Error Has No RIghts!

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – This is one of the greatest errors, I believe, that modern man is struggling with.  We're struggling with it precisely because opinion has been elevated to the level of certitude.  It's not certain.  Someone's opinion on a matter of politics, if it's not an ethical matter, is not something that is certain.  Check out today’s transcript for the rest…. FOLKS, a message from Mike […]

todayAugust 25, 2015 6

Daily Clip

Planned Parenthood Has Zero Mammography Clinics

  Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – You may have heard some debate yesterday.  You may have heard some hysterical, radical, angry, ugly women, members of Gal Qaeda, demanding that Congress not remove funding for Planned Parenthood because [mocking] “We need our mammograms.  We need our women's health.”  The fact of the matter is that Planned Parenthood doesn't provide mammograms, none, zero, zilch, nada, nothing.  Check out today’s transcript for […]

todayAugust 5, 2015 4

Daily Clip

Heresy Of Nominalism, Morals Do Matter

  Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – We’ll remove all morality.  We’ll remove all religion and any spirituality and any supernatural from science and just discuss it without any of those things.  Science has failed and is going to fail because God is not going to let it do what God can do.  Science cannot create life; only God and God's creatures that God created can create life.  This is […]

todayJuly 28, 2015 9


Philosophy Explains There IS A Reality And It’s NOT Perception

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – If a tree falls in the woods and no one is around, does it make a sound?  That is as preposterous as it gets.  In other words, Immanuel Kant and all the lunatics that came after him and followed his one horrific error concluded what your boss tried to get you to conclude, which is: If you’re not there to witness it, it didn’t happen.  […]

todayApril 23, 2015 9


Just Say STOP To The Hookup Culture

UVA Rolling Stone Hoax Lesson Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "Again, this is as a result of the fact that in today’s modern world, the philosophical subject of ethics is nonexistent.  Ethics are no longer taught, and if they are, they are not taught from a Thomistic ethical point of view.  Ethics are not hard to learn.  Ethics prevent us from harming our fellow man and woman."  Check out today’s […]

todayApril 13, 2015 7


“She Turned Me Into A Newt!” Is More Real Than Most “Marriages”

Vasectomies & Orgies With The Dead Do NOT Equal Marriage- Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – " 'When Scott opted for a vasectomy, she demanded an open marriage.' Is this a train wreck or what? Self-sterilization is also error. You’re removing yourself in the state of marriage from what God created marriage for. What does that lead to? Now I want an open marriage. What is that? Now I want to practice […]

todayMarch 23, 2015 7


Virginia Bishops Are Acting Like, Well, …Bishops

Virginia Bishops standing up to the Knights of Columbus Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "Someone sent me this letter that was written on Friday, from Bishop Francis X. DiLorenzo, Bishop of the Diocese of Richmond, Virginia, and Bishop Paul S. Loverde, Bishop of the Diocese of Arlington and State Chaplain of the Virginia State Council of the Knights of Columbus.  I bring this up because this is something that is […]

todayMarch 18, 2015 9


Our Political Derailment

Our Politics Are Off The Tracks Because The Moral Train Has No Sight Of Those Tracks Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "Many people think, and have based their entire adult political lives on the proposition that the Republican Party is where social conservatives and social conservatism has a home, and this is how we’re going to “take the country back.”  To the Dude Maker Hotline, this is our friend, author […]

todayMarch 14, 2015 14
