
The Errors Of Bernie Sanders Have No Rights

todaySeptember 21, 2015 7



Patrick_Henry_virtues_needed_to_preserve_Revolution_project_76Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Sanders goes to the Christian Liberty University.  He gives this speech and in the speech he says: No government should tell a woman that what’s in her body is not hers and that she shouldn’t be able to choose.  Yes, candidate Sanders, a government most certainly should.  Check out today’s transcript for the rest….

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Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

Mike:  So yesterday Bernie Sanders goes to Liberty University.  Now, I’m going to demonstrate something to you that we should all know and we should all be able to peacefully discuss and promote.  Sanders goes to the Christian Liberty University.  He gives this speech and in the speech he says: No government should tell a woman that what’s in her body is not hers and that she shouldn’t be able to choose.  Yes, candidate Sanders, a government most certainly should.  It shouldn’t be the government’s law and edict on that that the female and the government is obeying.  It should be the eternal, immortal law, the natural law.  That’s the one that would say that the government should do the exact opposite of what you said.  That’s not really the point. [/private]

Sanders goes and he says that he’s happy to be at the Christian Liberty University, he’s happy to be there as a socialist or liberal or progressive or whatever.  He thinks that too many times conservatives and progressives have just made fun of each other, and there hasn’t been productive dialogue, and there ought to be a place where we can all have our cake and eat it, too.  We can have these discussions and agree to disagree, etc., etc.  There is a serious problem with this.  On the surface, it sounds oh so touchy-feely.  Oh, what a nice guy.  What a great socialist president he would make.  Everything would be wonderful.  We’d be $18 trillion in the hole at the end of four years, but everything would be wonderful.

Folks, let’s go back to ultimate purposes here.  The errors that Sanders is peddling have no rights.  There is no need to hear them.  Let’s go to the next page.  Even if there was a need to hear them, it is not as though what Bernie Sanders is peddling has not already been implemented.  This is the joke of this.  I demonstrated this to you yesterday.  Thirteen of fourteen planks in the 1928 American Socialist Party platform, without firing a shot, the socialists have gotten thirteen of the fourteen implemented.  Explain that, candidate Sanders.  Just like any other politico or politician, it’s never enough.  Even a socialist could look back and go: Look, in 1928 these are the fourteen things we demanded.  Here we are and thirteen of them have been accomplished.  Folks, all those thirteen were accomplished before 1960.  It didn’t even take that long.

It’s laughable.  It’s dishonest to even imply that there hasn’t been, that progressivism or socialism — and I use the term socialism as it is popularly understood, not socialism as Marx or Engels would have proposed it and envisioned it, which would be the State administering and running the economy.  You could have some ownership of it privately but the State would actually run it.  We’re close, but instead of doing that, we decided to invent our own brand of socialism and we call it corporatism.  Bernie Sanders’ appeal, which is being heralded by the usual suspects who herald these things, they act and sound as though that Sanders’ ideas have never been given a fair hearing.  That’s not true.  Not only have they not been given a fair hearing, it’s even more preposterous to say that there are actually two sides of what it is that Sanders is calling for.  There’s one side.

Most Republicans are all in for socialized medicine now; they’re just not all in it for the level at which Sanders is in on it.  Therefore, has the idea of the State running and administering the medical services industry, has it been debated?  Not only has it been debated, it’s won the day.  That’s what we live with today.  It’s ridiculous to even imply that that’s not the case.  See: Obamacare.  If you’re old and aged, as I am to be very soon, see: Medicare.  I’m not making these things up.  What is truth?  Conformity of mind to reality.  What’s the reality?  We have socialized medicine.  That’s the reality.  Sanders wants more of it.

It’s quite humorous that the people that reside in his home state of Vermont actually have attempted SandersCare in Vermont.  You know that Vermont wishes to secede, right?  Read Bill Kauffman’s book, Bye Bye, Miss American Empire.  There’s an entire chapter in there about the Vermont secessionist movement.  It’s very much still alive and well.  Why do they want to secede?  Because they think that Sanders’ ideas are being hamstrung by the Feds, that’s why.  If that’s the way they want to run their state, as republicans, we [/private]

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should wish them well and go run your state that way.  Error has no rights.  It’s like the person who says: They ought to invite Obama to go speak at Notre Dame.  Why?  For what purpose?  [mocking] “All the people could learn something.”  No, they could be exposed to erroneous ideas.  Ideas have consequences.  We know what these ideas are.  They’re not new.  That’s the point.  We know what they are and we know what the results of them are.  Why would you want to expose more people to them?

End Mike Church Show Transcript

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Written by: AbbyMcGinnis

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