
The Mike Church Plan To Get Us Out of Debt

todayDecember 6, 2012 13


Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – You want to hear what the Church Plan is?  Here’s how you fix this mess: we’re not going to agree to any tax increases; however, the American sheeple will agree that if the President and the Congress will agree to do the following, we will assist.  We will all be good little patriots and we will all assist in one last-ditch effort, outside of an Article V Amendment convention, one last-ditch effort to try and right the fiscal or the financial ship.  Here is how our effort will go down: each of us will agree to purchase, as a percent of your income, whatever the case may be, a United States savings bond, a 30-year redeemable savings bond.  Your savings bond may be a grand, mine is a grand and a half, two grand.  We all agree to purchase the savings bond.  Er-body gotta purchase the bond.  That includes the 47 percent that pay no taxes.  You’re going to have about 250 million bonds issued, and the smallest denomination will be, let’s say $500. Check out today’s transcript for the rest of the Church Plan…


Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

Mike:  You know on Twitter the #tcot tag, Top Conservatives?

AG:  Yeah.

Mike:  There’s another tag, #tcottalk.  It’s supposedly talk about top conservatives in talk radio or whatever.  The #tcottalk, whoever is running that, re-tweeted my post yesterday about Boehner plunging the silver dagger into Justin Amash’s back, about how the purge of the fiscal restrainers had begun.  Those that would actually try to do something about this have been told: Don’t even show up for the game.  Don’t suit up.  I guess in football terms, AG, they put them on IR.  If you’re on IR, are you allowed to go to the game?  Can you stand on the sidelines in street clothes?

AG:  Yes, you can.

Mike:  I think you can.  So they’re on IR.  They’ve been told not to wear their uniforms because they don’t get a vote.  Hey you, Amash, hey you, Jones, hey you Schweikert, you’re not getting in the game.  You guys are too fiscally conservative.  We don’t want you around here.  You can wear your street clothes but [mocking Boehner] “You can’t go on the floor.”  If I had a solution for you other than ignoring these people, ceasing to play the game, ceasing to send the revenue into the belly of the beast, which to me is the only option — starving the monster is the only true option out of this — I would suggest it to you.  The fact of the matter is, I don’t believe any man on earth has a solution to this because it’s just too large.  The problem is just too large, too far out of scale.  We’re probably all better off just learning how to sing the harmony parts of “Grandma Got Run Over By Obama” and enjoying the rest of our Christmas season.  Do you have any solution you’d like people to ponder?  What’s the AG plan for this?  You’ve been conspicuously silent.

AG:  If you look at both sides, on the “far right” side, they want no tax hike increase whatsoever.  If you look on the “far left” side, they want no touching of any of the entitlement programs.  I just wonder, is it so untenable for people on the far right to say: If we have 10:1 spending cuts to tax hikes, does that work?  Or does entering into any kind of discussion on tax hikes completely not work?  Then you ask the same people on the far left: If you have a 1:1 in terms of entitlement cutting to go along with the tax hikes, does that work?  Are you completely unwilling to cut entitlement spending whatsoever?  I don’t like the idea of raising the tax rates whatsoever, for anyone.  I’ve always been a fan of the flat tax idea.  If we had huge amounts of entitlement spending cuts in a smart ratio to a tax hike, I kind of think we have to go towards that, as hard as that is to say.

Mike:  Did anyone show up at Congressman Gohmert’s press conference yesterday?  I didn’t see it.  I watched CNN all day yesterday and I saw nary a mention of it.

AG:  I saw no coverage of it either.

Mike:  I saw no coverage of the flat tax rollout yesterday.  I saw an awful lot of Darth Boehner.  You weren’t here last week.  Did you hear my plan?  I said I don’t have a plan.  I actually did have a plan.  Did you hear my plan?

AG:  I have not heard it.

Mike:  You want to hear what the Church Plan is?  Here’s how you fix this mess: we’re not going to agree to any tax increases; however, the American sheeple will agree that if the President and the Congress will agree to do the following, we will assist.  We will all be good little patriots and we will all assist in one last-ditch effort, outside of an Article V Amendment convention, one last-ditch effort to try and right the fiscal or the financial ship.  Here is how our effort will go down: each of us will agree to purchase, as a percent of your income, whatever the case may be, a United States savings bond, a 30-year redeemable savings bond.  Your savings bond may be a grand, mine is a grand and a half, two grand.  We all agree to purchase the savings bond.  Er-body gotta purchase the bond.  That includes the 47 percent that pay no taxes.  You’re going to have about 250 million bonds issued, and the smallest denomination will be, let’s say $500.

Here’s the arrangement, though: no tax increase but we’ll voluntarily surrender whatever that totals up to be.  Let’s say that totals up to be $700 billion.  I’m just rounding it off.  In exchange for my surrender and the American sheeple out there, surrendering the $700 in bonds, Congress must and the President must, by sequester, reduce real spending by a like amount.  If you raise $700 billion in bonds and you must cut $700 billion, that is a net $1.4 trillion and the books are balanced in the next year.  How do you like my plan?

AG:  If it’s just a one-time —

Mike:  No, you have to do it every year.  This is how you pay the debt down.  You still have to pay your taxes, do all that, but in addition to, this is the deal we’re willing to make.

End Mike Church Show Transcript

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Written by: ClintStroman

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  1. Jonathan Melton on December 6, 2012

    The problem with that is…the American people did not agree to the spending. And the lower class cannot afford the savings bond. I say leave them holding the bag.
