
If You Want Demagoguery And GOP Party Lines, You Won’t Get It With Mike Church

todayOctober 24, 2013 12


Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – One of the notes I got yesterday was just hysterical.  I want to spend the first segment of the program here, the first couple moments, discussing not Senator Cruz but what it is that we’re doing here on a daily basis and how it applies to you.  The perception out there — I don’t seem to be able to control this.  I don’t want to control it.  I don’t seem to be able to alter the course of the following discussion.  Because the course cannot be altered, I have to deal with the course that has been laid out.  Check out today’s transcript for the rest…


Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

Mike:  Mr. Gruss, you have your very own burgeoning and very active and passionate fan club out there.  Just like with anyone that has a fan club, you also have a haters club.

AG:  I was about to say, fan club?  Is that the right adjective to describe it?

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Patrick_Henry_American_Statesman_paperback_cover_DETAILMike:  It is.  I’d say that the opinion is split about 90/10 in your and my favor.  Here’s the thing, the ten percent that are angry, most of them won’t even sign their notes.  I get “anonymous.”  [mocking] “You and your buddy are gone.  You wait till I get done yelling at Gorab on the phone.  You’re done.  It’s over.  I’m coming after you, pal.”  If you missed yesterday’s program and Friday’s program, then you may have missed some of the alleged — I say alleged because there’s really nothing to see here — fireworks that have erupted over, it wasn’t even a cross word, but a characterization of some of the things that Senator Ted Cruz has been doing and has done.  That was the extent of it.

AG:  It was an expression of concern.

Mike:  I’m glad you sent me the clips that you sent me for today.  In the first, I said what I had to say about the good senator from Texas and what our concern was.  In the second clip, it was: But, let’s be clear, I have found very little to disagree with the senator on.  Apparently that memo has still not gone to the printer.  It has not been printed out.  It has not been emailed out.  It has not been tweeted or Facebooked out.  One of the notes I got yesterday was just hysterical.  I want to spend the first segment of the program here, the first couple moments, discussing not Senator Cruz but what it is that we’re doing here on a daily basis and how it applies to you.  The perception out there — I don’t seem to be able to control this.  I don’t want to control it.  I don’t seem to be able to alter the course of the following discussion.  Because the course cannot be altered, I have to deal with the course that has been laid out.  I’ll do so in as polite and as gentlemanlike of a fashion as I possibly can.

Mike Church Show Transcript – So Conservative Hysteria Is Good But Liberal Hysteria Is Bad?

What I’d like to say to you today in this brief interlude is this: Every morning from 6 a.m. to 9 a.m., we operate a little radio show.  That’s what it is, it is a radio broadcast.  It may come to you in your car via Sirius XM satellite radio.  It may come to you on your smartphone because you signed up for the Sirius XM online service.  It may come to you on your smartphone or computer desktop via your On Demand service.  Those are the three ways I know of how you can obtain the radio program here.  The radio program that I’m currently hosting right now and talking to you on is a part of a channel on the Sirius XM satellite radio service.  What we do here is provide in-car and in-ear entertainment to those who buy these things called subscriptions to the radio channel.

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In order to keep people happy purchasing subscriptions, it’s in our interest to attempt to entertain them on a daily if not hourly, in a moment-by-moment basis.  That is singularly the first job and order of the day for me.  When I come in here, that’s what I’m trying to do.  I’m trying to make sure that you’re — even if you’re not having a good time, even if you are in animated and passionate disagreement, as long as we’re delivering consistently — this is the keyword here, consistently — the same product and doing it as professionally as we can, then I think we’re accomplishing goal number one.

road-to-independence-BH-RTIDE2-detailGoal number two is to diligently — and you can ask Mr. Gruss this when I’m not here.  Call some day when I’m not here and ask him this question if you want to and he’ll vouch for me.  We try to be as diligent as we possibly can in seeing to it that the things I tell you and talk about are actual and can be factually and empirically proven in the real world.  In other words, we do try and remain within the confines of what I would like to call the truth.  That truth may change from time to time, and yes, we do make mistakes, but I believe, unlike most radio shows, this show actually has a fact checker.  When I have made a mistake, I always correct it.  It may be a day later, but it gets corrected.  I’ll always mention on the website that we correct it.

Those are the two things that I think comprise what it is we do here on a daily basis.  Here’s what we do not do here: I do not work for the Republican Party.  I do not work for the Republican Party of Louisiana.  I do not work for and am not employed by the Heritage Foundation.  I am not employed by the American Enterprise Institute.  As a matter of fact, I am not employed by, unless I missed something in shareholder disclosures, any political entity that I am aware of, none, zero.  I wouldn’t want to be because if I were, then my objectivity would be compromised.  I would not be able to objectively and honestly look at the events of the day and render an objective as opposed to a subjective opinion.

Those of you that want to continue to send your scurrilous, disgusting, vitriolic and epithet-laden pieces of mail without signing them, go ahead.  Please continue.  Go ahead and continue with your threats that you’re going to get me and you’re going to get Andrew and you’re going to get anyone that disagrees with you because “you’re not doing anything good for the party.”  It’s not our job to do anything good for the party.  It’s not our job to promote the Republican Party.  As a matter of fact, this channel does not have GOP Radio on it.  There is a GOP Radio, but I am not currently on it.

Mike Church Show Transcript – Beltway GOP Strategies Include Congressional Theater And Shooting Self In Foot

Why people that are pursuing intelligent answers and solutions to very daunting problems and challenges, why they would want to have subjective reasoning thrown at them every day as opposed to objective reasoning and discussion thrown at them — which means you’re going to have to actually use your own mind and put these things together and process them for yourselves.  It’s called critical thinking or critical analysis or intellectual reason.  Why people would want to have anything else served their way, I think you can answer that question yourself.

I think that many days when we talk about it here, when I talk about what it is that the American sheeple want and how it is we can see what it is they want manifested in our daily lives and daily discussion, there are a lot of people that quite frankly just do not care for anything other than a prepackaged, cookie cutter, easy-peasy solution to things.  “All we have to do is elect our kids,” this is the solution many of you actually believe in, and you’re free to believe it.  It doesn’t mean I have to believe it.  It doesn’t mean I have to live my life by it.  I don’t happen to believe there are any easy solutions.  As a matter of fact, I don’t happen to think that there are any easy solutions to almost anything you can do in life.  Life is difficult.  Political life is difficult.

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For more on Ben Franklin, pick up your copy of The Spirit of 76 right here!

The best we can do is be honest along the way, challenge our thinking and hopefully thereby your thinking, and entertain you for three hours.  If part of that entertainment includes revealing historical secrets and things that have been swept into the ashbin of history that are heretofore undiscovered in the modern age, then I count that as entertainment.  Many of you count that as education.  I count that as entertainment.  If it’s educative, that’s fantastic.  I never set out to be an instructor.  I never set out to have a PhD.  I never set out to be a teacher.  I set out to be a really, really good radio personality and to do it for a long time and to be very consistent doing it.

The hysterical response to yesterday and Friday is just, I think, ridiculous.  I’m going to bring Andrew in on this.  AG, in the discussion over Senator Cruz, there was nothing contained in that discussion that was not contained in similar criticisms of Senator McCain.  Nobody seemed to complain about that.  Similar criticisms of Senator Graham of South Carolina.  How many transcripts can I find on my website about Lindsey Graham and none of them are favorable?  Similar discussions about Senator Rubio, about Senator Ayotte, Congressman Boehner and Congressman Cantor.  Just last week we have a transcript on the website about Congressman Ted Poe, the king of ag subsidies and what a rotten, despicable deal that is and how inherently un-conservative of an action that is.  I didn’t hear a word.  I got no hate mail, nothing on that.  To imply that yesterday was some sort of an albatross or a red herring is, in my humble estimation, ridiculous.  Why Senator Cruz ought to be exempted from the same kind of criticism and objective critical thinking that Congressman Poe and Congressman Boehner and Senator Graham and Senator McCain and all the rest of them are just defies reasoning.

End Mike Church Show Transcript



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Written by: AbbyMcGinnis

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