talk radio

15 Results / Page 1 of 2



Mike Church Says Farewell To SiriusXM

The Mike Church Show Farewell Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Here it is a Tuesday.  What a Tuesday it shall be.  If you’re late to the party and don’t know the news, I will reiterate it for you in just a moment.  Let us for the final time here ask: What in the wide, wide world of sports is going on here?  I’ll try and tell you.  Check out […]

todayApril 14, 2018 20



Bannon’s City of Man: When Machiavelli Runs Out Of Ammo, You Get Trumpzilla’d

Mandeville, LA - I just read then re-read President Trump's statement in response to claims made by Steve Bannon in Michael Wolff's Fire and Fury book about the Trump White House's early days. The seeming success of Fox News and talk radio has made many conservatives think they now have a massive media empire. In truth, they have constructed an intellectual ghetto that no one else wants to visit." Whether […]

todayJanuary 4, 2018 4


The Knell of The Talk Radio Mafia Is Here, Time To Join The CRUSADE

Mandeville, LA - I have been telling people this for a few years now that the destruction of the radio industry began in earnest in 1994 when the TeleComm Act signed by Bill Clinton made radio nothing more than a commodity for money lusting manipulators to exploit for billions then discard its corpse. That day is upon us and Mr Cowen's analysis only applies to the parasite but it does apply. […]

todayDecember 1, 2017 4

Pile Of Prep

Free Phone Friday Prep-The Enlightenment Is At An End, Can Mankind Get A Refund?

Mandeville, LA - Today's Pile of Prep: most of the stories and research used to put together the Mike Church Show on the Veritas Radio Network's CRUSADE Channel. 2017 is here and WELCOME to the All-New, Mike Church Show on the CRUSADE Channel, listen LIVE for Free (don't cost nuthin'). Sapientia et Veritas -This is the way in which he conceals from you the kind of work to which he is putting you; […]

todayDecember 1, 2017


Debbie Schlussel Sets The Record Straight

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "Number one, I have known Debbie since 2005, the first time she was a guest on my show.  About two years later, she began doing movie reviews for the Mike Church Show.  Debbie was a frequent guest on the Mike Church Show on Sirius XM Right Channel, which then became the Patriot Channel.  Before you get out there and start making your little comments […]

todayMay 15, 2017 67


Conservative Talk Radio:Cheap, Childish, Familiar

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "This is the principle reason why I had to make a turn, and I urged all of you to make a turn.  Don’t play their game.  It’s easy to call names.  It’s easy to hurl a label at someone.  Heck, it even happens inside Christian circles.  You have Christians calling each other names.  You have Christians who think they’re holier than another."  Check out […]

todayMay 15, 2017 10


Matthew Sheffield – How The Right Got It Wrong

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "Matthew Sheffield is the founder of, and the author of the essay we’ve been discussing, part of a book How the Right Got It Wrong."  Check out today’s transcript for the rest…. Begin Mike Church Show Transcript Mike:  Matthew, welcome to the Crusade Channel and the Mike Church Show, part of the Veritas Radio Network, radio the way it should be.  How are […]

todaySeptember 13, 2016 16


Mike Church: Stop Complaining About “The Liberal Media”! Join Me & Do Something About It!

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – I’m going to tell this story because I’m going to have to start motivating people personally here.  I had never listened to talk radio in my entire life.  I thought it was grandpa stuff.  You couldn’t have paid me to go to 870 AM unless I as on my way home from a Saints game and I wanted to listen to Buddy D.  The […]

todayFebruary 11, 2016 1


The Terms Conservative, Catholic and Talk Radio DO Go Together-Chris Ferrara Interviews Mike

Mandeville, LA - The following is an excerpt of an interview conducted by Chris Ferrara on 10 May, 2015. You can read the entire interview at The Remnant Newspaper Online, here. Thanks to Chris Ferrara for the introduction to the interview. "Remnant readers may know that I have become a regular guest on the Mike Church Show, Channel 125 on the Sirius Radio Network, which is known as Patriot Radio. […]

todayJuly 14, 2015 3
