Church Doctrine

Why Bill Gates Would Not Learn Common Core At a LA Public School

todaySeptember 30, 2014 14

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    Why Bill Gates Would Not Learn Common Core At a LA Public School TheKingDude

Why Bill Gates Would Not Learn Common Core At a LA Public School

©2014 Mike Church

Mandeville, LA – Just because smart people vouch for something doesn’t automatically mean it’s good for you. Take public education for instance, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams and James Madison all thought it to be the next logical progression in the growth of the American Empire. Fast forward to today and we can watch the fake-smartest man on earth, Bill Gates, promote the groupthink, dehumanizing “Common-Core” that promises to make kids smarter by making them robots in an educational version of the North Korean Army’s infamous, high-step march. Now comes the news that the Louisiana Association of Educators, an oxymoron if there ever was one, has sued the Louisiana Education Department, for establishing too many charter schools in districts that previously had a monopoly on educational incompetence.

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    Why Bill Gates Would Not Learn Common Core At a LA Public School TheKingDude

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    Why Bill Gates Would Not Learn Common Core At a LA Public School TheKingDude


You see, charter schools receive “public money” but are not run by teachers unions and local school boards. This means that the crony system of student failure through faculty underachievement gets shown up by similar players, parents and students who have an incentive to get the job done more effectively: survival. The State’s leading educrat and Common Core warlock, John White, actually understands this paradigm saying. “The goal of this lawsuit is to stop taxpaying parents from choosing the school they think is best for their children” Then pointing to what’s really at issue here, Other People’s Money, White nails what’s at stake. “More money for unions and school boards, less for public schools not overseen by unions and school boards.”

It’s no coincidence that outside of sports, when our local public schools make headlines, there are usually battalions of lawyers involved arguing over vast sums of money and political dogma. Dogma that says the government and IT’S educators are always right, a “fact” that charter, home and private-schoolers like William and Mary Maxwell Gates, Bill’s parents, continue to prove wrong.

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Host of the Mike Church Show on The Veritas Radio Network's CRUSADE Channel & Founder of the Veritas Radio Network. Formerly, of Sirius/XM's Patriot channel 125. The show began in March of 2003 exclusively on Sirius and remains "the longest running radio talk show in satellite radio history".

Written by: TheKingDude

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