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Why Morality Issues So Outrage People, aka Overcoming Moral Complicity

todayJanuary 22, 2015 1

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    Why Morality Issues So Outrage People, aka Overcoming Moral Complicity AbbyMcGinnis

The NEW Founding Father Films Compleat set delivers an entire DAY'S worth of  family friendly, Founding Father themed entertainment
The NEW Founding Father Films Compleat set delivers an entire DAY’S worth of family friendly, Founding Father themed entertainment

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript “When we talk about the culture of death and then we talk about the opposite of that, which is, hopefully, the growing culture of life, you can’t talk about these life issues without getting involved in the personal aspect of them because they are personal.  Issues of marriage, issues of fidelity, issues of modesty, these things are all related, all of them.  As a matter of fact, they’re not just related; they’re stitched together.”   Check out today’s transcript and Clip of the Day for the rest….

Begin Mike Church Show Transcript

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    Why Morality Issues So Outrage People, aka Overcoming Moral Complicity AbbyMcGinnis

[private |FP-Monthly|FP-Yearly|FP-Yearly-WLK|FP-Yearly-So76|Founding Brother|Founding Father|FP-Lifetime]

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    Why Morality Issues So Outrage People, aka Overcoming Moral Complicity AbbyMcGinnis


Mike:  First of all, some housekeeping.  I am going to get into this in greater detail this hour.  I was wondering when the first piece of hate mail was going to come through with my audacity and unmitigated, unprofessional gall in daring to question the sanctified, heavily-regulated organ transplantation industry.  First of all, I didn’t question whether or not the industry was regulated, madam.  Second of all, I didn’t question whether or not, if you… [private |FP-Monthly|FP-Yearly|FP-Yearly-WLK|FP-Yearly-So76|Founding Brother|Founding Father|FP-Lifetime]  have an organ, whether or not you committed a mortal sin.  I never said it.  Third, I simply asked that in studying this and in reading about it, it’s troubling.  It was more of a question than anything.  What does this term brain-dead mean?  Is it possible that you could be brain-dead and a miracle of cure can happen?  Yes, it is because it’s occurred.  I simply asked the question.  I didn’t provide an answer because I haven’t finished reading and listening and praying and meditating upon it just yet.

You see, folks, this is the way it is.  Anytime anyone, especially when it’s someone like me, anytime anyone pushes any of those pro-life buttons, anytime someone gets in the way of your view of these issues of life, whether it’s issues of life, whether it’s abortion, whether it’s marriage, whether it’s contraception, throw the yellow flag, send the referees out on the field, and go tackle the guy that said it.  We must shut him up and make him recant what he said because we don’t want any moral people running around this country talking about these sorts of things.  We need to remain immoral, as immoral and diabolical as we can so that we can continue the party.  I simply brought the subject up and then shared what the New England Journal of Medicine had written about it, a doctor had written about it.  I didn’t even read the whole thing.  I didn’t even read the best parts.  Here’s how to send your anger and your being made to feel troubled, kingdude@mikechurch.com.

I’m going to tie this all together because we’ve got some great stuff in today’s Pile of Prep that I call your attention to, two stories from Crisis magazine.  Marie Meaney writes about “German Bishops Support Kasper’s Proposals on Remarried Catholics.”  These are issues that have import, and they have import beyond the next election cycle.  They have import beyond the State of the Union tonight.  They have import beyond whatever shenanigans ISIS creeps are performing in the Middle East.  They have direct and lasting import, and they will have direct and lasting import for the life expectancy, possibly, of our children.  That’s important.  Is there anything that’s more important than that?  What is it that’s going on here? [/private]

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When we talk about the culture of death and then we talk about the opposite of that, which is, hopefully, the growing culture of life, you can’t talk about these life issues without getting involved in the personal aspect of them because they are personal.  Issues of marriage, issues of fidelity, issues of modesty, these things are all related, all of them.  As a matter of fact, they’re not just related; they’re stitched together.  They don’t come apart.  I have to deal with them, too.  I’m just as fragile and as feeble and as prone to error as anyone else is.  I spend a lot of time in confessionals.  The point is to acknowledge: Something is not right here.

We collectively have to do something about this.  We can’t be yelling at and trying to shut down anyone that tries to bring up the issue and the items that we used to call morality.  That’s what’s going on out there.

End Mike Church Show Transcript

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Written by: AbbyMcGinnis

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