Daily Clip Fred Tells Us A Very Suspensful Story That Took Place On His Ranch That Borders Mexico (Audio) Mandeville, LA - It's always nice to have a few calls on what is deemed - "Free PhoneFriday". It's always nice when some of those calls are from fellowdudes who share the same ideals as those of little 'r' republicanFounding Father Virtue. But a figurative jackpot on Free Phone Fridayis a call, from a dude, especially when that dude is Dude #1308. Fredand his wife have been listeners of […] todayJanuary 14, 2011 6
Transcripts The Ratchet Effect Written By Robert Higgs & Explained By The KingDude [mp3t track='14012011_Transcript_2.mp3'] (Audio) Mandeville, LA - This audio clip begins with the KingDude introducing one of thegreat economists and thinkers of our day, Mr. Robert Higgs and his book"Crisis In Leviathan". Higgs is credited with coining the term,'ratchet effect', which is still obviously with us today consideringyou had to click on the purple title containing both the words'ratchet' and 'effect'. If you're asking yourself what the ratcheteffect is then feel […] todayJanuary 14, 2011 36
Church Doctrine 14 January, 2011 – The Church Doctrine [private FP-Monthly|FP-Yearly|FP-Yearly-WLK][/private]The Budget Deficit = Keifer Sutherland vs Michael Douglas2011 Mike ChurchHi folks its Mike Church with todays Church DoctrineI recently interviewed former New Mexico governor Gary Johnson who had some very interesting and Founders Red Pill themed things to say about our current situation. Johnson believes that NOW is the time to promote and pass a balanced federal budget. You heard that right right, NOW. This while John Boehner, […] todayJanuary 14, 2011 6
Daily Clip The KingDude Is NOT Anti-Gubbmint, He’s Anti-Big Gubbmint (Audio) Mandeville, LA - There seems to be a common misconception out there in the Land ofLibtardia that likes to put all Little 'r' Republicans andConservatives alike in a harsh category entitled "Anti-Government".Well, the KingDude would like to take this opportunity to stand proudlyupon his soapbox that is The Mike Church Show and proudly state that heis NOT anti-government, that's something those Libtards out thereconcocted as an act of desperation. […] todayJanuary 13, 2011 4
Church Doctrine 13 January, 2011 – The Church Doctrine [private FP-Monthly|FP-Yearly|FP-Yearly-WLK][/private]The Memorial Kickoff of Obama/Biden 2012 in Tucson, AZ2011 Mike ChurchHi folks its Mike Church with todays Church DoctrineIts hard to imagine what the thought process must have been that led to Wednesday nights Memorial Service turned pep rally for the Obama /Biden 2012 campaign. This was supposed to have been a solemn and somber service for the 6 victims of the Tuscon Massacre but youd never know that […] todayJanuary 13, 2011 7
Daily Clip The Useless War On Drugs (Audio) Mandeville, LA - Let's discuss another one of our follies here shall we? We live under a silly, destructive,expensive, life altering and life destroying war. The war is notoverseas or across any borders, it lives in domesticated America and isknown as 'The War on Drugs". Why are we against the 'war on drugs' youask? Well, for starters, it's a massive failure, not to mention thecriminalizing of roughly a third […] todayJanuary 12, 2011 11
Transcripts KingDude Doesn’t Accept The Plunder Of Big Gubbmint [mp3t track='12012011_Transcript_1.mp3'] (Audio & Transcript) Mandeville, LA - Breaking News: The KingDude does not desire nor does he ever intend tomaterially accept the plunder of the Federal Government. Which, in anutshell, can be summed up as Big Gubbmint hand-outs, we here on TheMike Church Show are not 'down' with Gubbmint hand-outs. The mainreason being that all hand-outs, so to speak, given to citizens by theFederal Government is in it's simplistic […] todayJanuary 12, 2011 5
Church Doctrine 12 January, 2011 – The Church Doctrine [private FP-Monthly|FP-Yearly|FP-Yearly-WLK][/private]We'll Cut Spending After We Build That Bay Bridge in Arizona2010 Mike ChurchHi folks its Mike Church with todays Church Doctrine.Well well, that certainly didnt take long. Tea Party backed members of the newly minted 112th Congress have already buckled from the pressure of their leadership to vote to raise the national debt ceiling in late February or early March. But dont worry about that spending increasing because Allen […] todayJanuary 12, 2011 4
Daily Clip Libtards Next Move: Gun Control (Audio) Mandeville, LA - You can't make the world perfect, we can't make the world perfect.There are bad men out there and that's the gist of it. However, therewas a time, once upon, where Jared Loughner may not have had time toreload his semi-automatic Glock because there would have been enoughmen and women in attendance with sidearms to take his ass out. Instead,modern society has taken the privilege of perfecting […] todayJanuary 11, 2011 6
insert_link Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts Listener Calls Crusade Channel “Rolex Quality” – The Mike Church Show todayFebruary 27, 2018 1757