Month: May 2011

17 Results / Page 1 of 2


Church Doctrine

Church Doctrine -Citizen: Meet Thy Master The TSA

Citizens Lose When The TSA Meets ObamaCare2011 Mike ChurchHi folks its Mike Church with todays Church Doctrine. The state of TX seems to have found itself at a crossroads of late: Texas Nationalists are attracting supporters by the tens if not hundreds of thousands of citizens. These folks think enough is enough and that the Lone Star State should make plans to secede from the Union. Still an even larger […]

todayMay 25, 2011 10

Church Doctrine

24 May, 2011 – The Church Doctrine

[private FP-Monthly|FP-Yearly|FP-Yearly-WLK][/private]If Paul Ryan is the Future of LIMITED Government... Let the Secession Begin!2011 Mike ChurchHi folks its Mike Church with todays Church Doctrine.I was amazed to hear that Paul Ryan, the now official VunderKid of the Republican Party is the best hope mankind has to redefine the size and scope of government! This, attached to the man who voted FOR the TARP bailouts and FOR the expansion of Medicare […]

todayMay 24, 2011 6


Hoosiers Rise Up to Push back Against State Government

[mp3t track='19052011_Transcript2_IN_4th_Amendment_nitwittery.mp3']Begin Mike Church Show TranscriptMike: And it is a story about how remember how last, I guess it was on Mondays show I covered the story about the state of Indianas Supreme Court that had decided in its infinite dumb-assity that the citizens of Indiana should be subject to search and seizure and police invasion of their homes without provocation and without warrant. And it didnt matter what they […]

todayMay 21, 2011 4

Daily Clip

World Premiere of Mike Church’s Road To Independence

The World Broadcast Premiere of The Road To Independence - The Movie, Scene 39NEW ORLEANS, La. Here is the full audio from the World Broadcast Premiere of The Road To Independence Movie - Scene 39. This scene, as described by Mike shows the audience how Ben Franklin and John Adams schemed to convince Thomas Jefferson to write the Declaration of Independence. The scene features Emmy Winning actor Jay Thomas as […]

todayMay 18, 2011 3

Church Doctrine

18 May, 2011 – The Church Doctrine

[private FP-Monthly|FP-Yearly|FP-Yearly-WLK][/private]When DebtZilla and Fedra Attack2011 Mike ChurchHi folks its Mike Church with todays Church Doctrine.What is the point of having a debt ceiling that is actually more like a debt suggestion? This alleged safeguard against government excess has been breached 70 times and after Boehner and company cave in to the monster being fabricated that I call DebtZilla.  Yes, Obama and his band of money men tell anyone who […]

todayMay 18, 2011 5

Church Doctrine

Farewell Federal Bill of Rights, Farewell

Farewell Federal Bill of Rights, Farewell (Yea Stalin!)2011 Mike ChurchWell, after yesterdays shocking, 8-1 Supreme Court ruling that police can kick down any door they like if they believe evidence is being destroyed, if you were not a believer of my adage that the Constitution is DEAD maybe now you will be.The nine, wise men and women on the court basically ended 800 years of English speaking tradition when they […]

todayMay 18, 2011 7

Church Doctrine

17 May, 2011 – The Church Doctrine

[private FP-Monthly|FP-Yearly|FP-Yearly-WLK][/private]Farewell Federal Bill of Rights, Farewell2011 Mike ChurchHi folks its Mike Church with todays Church DoctrineWell, after yesterdays shocking, 8-1 Supreme Court ruling that police can kick down any door they like if they believe evidence is being destroyed, if you were not a believer of my adage that the Constitution is DEAD maybe now you will be. The 9, wise men and women on the court basically ended […]

todayMay 17, 2011 8

Church Doctrine


Theres Nothing Common About Great Works of Great Men2011 Mike ChurchHi folks its Mike Church with todays Church Doctrine.Russell Kirk was a great historian of the latter half of the 20th century and he was a great conservative yet few people read or cite him these days. This is mostly because Kirk was an unapologetic opponent of American Empire made possible through nation building exercises. What Kirk also contributed was […]

todayMay 12, 2011 5

Church Doctrine

A Soviet Union of Our Very Own (Yea Stalin!)

A Soviet Union of Our Very Own (Yea Stalin!)2011 Mike ChurchHi folks its Mike Church with todays Church DoctrineWhat is the purpose of our Federal union under the Constitution? Well, if we take the opinion of the Obama White House, the purpose of the union is to provide 309 million lab rats for our federal masters to test out their theories on how to transform mere citizens into perfect servants […]

todayMay 11, 2011 5
