Month: June 2012

66 Results / Page 1 of 8



Interview with Professor Randy Barnett on Obamacare

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - There were two things on the table in this lawsuit, that Congress put on the table, we didn’t put on the table.  One was ObamaCare, which takes over a substantial portion of the American economy, puts government in control of our medical care, and fundamentally changes the relationship of the citizen to the government because they control our medical care.  That’s the first key […]

todayJune 29, 2012 17


Interview with Brion McClanahan on Obamacare

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - So we have Professor Brion McClanahan on the Dude Maker Hotline with us.  I started the program today by saying that at 10:10 a.m. yesterday morning, if you hadn’t already made the decision to get out, many people’s hearts, minds and souls decided that they wanted to get out, that they no longer wanted to be governed by this tyrannical monster that calls itself […]

todayJune 29, 2012 28

Church Doctrine

Five Men That History Says Were Important But Never Played For The Saints

  5 Men That History Says Were Important But Never Played For The Saints ©2012 Mike Church On the 28th of June, 1776 5 men strolled into Philadelphia’s Independence Hall with a document in hand. While most Americans today can name 10-15 members of their favorite football or basketball teams how many can name those five? Oh and the document was? The Declaration of Independence although not the one you […]

todayJune 29, 2012 7

Pile Of Prep

The Sun Came Up-The Gadsden Flags Are Flying & It Is Now OUR Turn To Act

Want to see WHO is Google-ing the term "secede" today, then click this link and see where your city/state ranks George Will: shoot your self in the knee to teach yourself guns are bad and let tyrants tyrannize you to inspire reactions!? John Roberts the "conservative" meets John Roberts the "constructionist" as Krauthammer tries to crawl in the SCOTUS CJ and figure out his madness

todayJune 29, 2012 4

Founders Television

The Sun Will Still Rise the Day After ObamaCare…

[private FP-Yearly|FP-Monthly] [/private] Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Audio and Video - Check out today's Post Show Show Podcast preview where Mike lets everyone know that despite ObamaCare being passed, the sun will still rise tomorrow.  Yes, your Liberties are being infringed upon and you should continue to fight it, but even if it had been struck down it wasn't going to stop the expansion of the Federal Government.  And remember, […]

todayJune 28, 2012 4


$17.76 Liberty Pack Special

Includes a copy of Mike Church's Road to Independence DVD, [r]epublican Bumper Sticker, & Pocket Constitution! Get it now at the Founders Tradin' Post!

todayJune 28, 2012 6

Pile Of Prep

Judgement Day: The Commerce Clause Meets Highlander, There Can Be Only one

ObamaCare, ACA, whatever you call it, by lunch we'll know if we have a dictatorship or a judicial oligarchy...Yay Stalin Carville rushes to the defense and aid of good 'ol "Congresswoman Dentures" aka Louise Slaughter who faces a strong challenge. Carville also digs at Tea Party "It's over... have to kick them out like unwelcome house guests" Jack Hunter draws fire from blogger over the NWO conspiracy crowd "damages […]

todayJune 28, 2012 5

Daily Clip

Backlash From Gutzman Voting For Obama

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Audio and Transcript - I have people that are angry at me and the mail continues to flow in because Kevin Gutzman said that he voted for Obama and not McCain.  Russ Howard wants me and anyone listening to know, “So your guru votes for the greater of two evils instead of the lesser.  The only thing more idiotic than that would be to defend it.  […]

todayJune 27, 2012 5

Screenshot from Road To Independence Day

Founders Television

This Day In Founder’s History

[private FP-Yearly|FP-Monthly] [/private] Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Audio and Video - Check out today's Post Show Show Podcast Preview where Mike discusses what happened in founders history on June 27th! Mike plays an audio clip from Road to Independence to show how that very day went! Get a Founder's Pass where you can watch and listen to the entire Post Show Show where we go into more depth on current […]

todayJune 27, 2012 11
