Month: August 2013

110 Results / Page 4 of 13


Founders Television

The Unspoken Laws That (Should) Govern Us

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Video and Audio - Where is the "gentlemanness" in PRO football asks Steven Klugewitz? The babseball diamond seems to have stuck to it's honorable traditions, so why not football? I would add, what about DINNER!? Where's the gentleman-like behavior at the dinner table at home AND in public? There are many places where these "unspoken laws" should apply, but modern culture seems to tell us that […]

todayAugust 26, 2013 9

Pile Of Prep

Monday Pile of Prep

Mandeville, LA -- Mike Church's daily Pile of Prep, chock full of the U.S. SpyFare State's Patriot Act which has killed self-government plus other [r]epublican stories used to perform the Mike Church Show on Sirius/XM Patriot channel 125. "There is always one escape: into wickedness. Always do the thing that will shock and wound people. At five, throw a little boy off a bridge, strike an old doctor across the face with a […]

todayAugust 26, 2013 6


Interview With Dwayne Stovall, U.S. Senate Candidate For Texas

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – I’ve been teasing you about this all day long. Who is this mystery candidate who is going to be the next candidate, he’s going to announce here on this show that he is going to seek the nomination to be on the ballot come November 2014 to run for United States Senate against an unnamed Democratic opponent? He is hailing from the great State […]

todayAugust 24, 2013 19


Why Do Americans Love Duck Dynasty?

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – All the episodes that I’ve seen of Duck Dynasty all include something the Robertson family is all doing together. I would say that these people are almost like we have unearthed some Cro-Magnon men, some Neanderthals that were froze in the bayou ice and then we turned them loose in northeast Louisiana. Someone forgot to tell the Robertsons you should be running around with […]

todayAugust 23, 2013 18


Are Game Wardens Above The Law?

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – So for what other purpose is the game warden trying to harass you? He’s trying to find you in violation of something because your right to hunt and your right to stalk the prey of your choice -- it used to be that you had to do this for subsistence -- is no longer just a natural right. It is now a right or […]

todayAugust 23, 2013 6


The Founding Fathers Denied The British Empire To Form The U.S. – Who Will Deny The American Empire?

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – There was a grand ruler, King George III. He had his own legislative body, two of them. He had Parliament, the House of Lords and the House of Commons. They had English common law. They had an English court system, trials by jury. They had magistrates and constables and what have you. In other words, they had everything that a government would need and […]

todayAugust 23, 2013 8


Interview With Kevin Gutzman On Natural-Born Citizen And Republican Hypocrisy

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Just like with the incorporation doctrine, after I share it, then I am hectored and heckled. My integrity is assailed. Vattel is said to have been some sort of an 18th century quack that no one ever referred to in the United States and you and Gutzman can’t prove that. Then the subject of natural-born citizen is that nobody really cares about this unless […]

todayAugust 23, 2013 17

Pile Of Prep

What Chris Ashton Kutcher Could Have Told Those Teenagers

Mandeville, LA  - Mike Church's daily Pile of Prep, chock full ofMike's take on the speech everyone is raving about from actor Ashton Kutcher plus other [r]epublican stories used to perform the Mike Church Show on Sirius/XM Patriot channel 125.  “Resolved, That a well-regulated militia, composed of gentlemen and yeomen, is the natural strength and only security of a free government; that such a militia in this colony would forever render […]

todayAugust 23, 2013 8


A Rose Is A Rose . . . Nationalism Is Nationalism

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – I have this story here, this opinion piece in The American Conservative Magazine, at It’s written by Sean Scallon under the title of “The Nationalist Left Rises.” After Scallon goes through a bit of the history of what liberals used to say about the military superstate and what they say today about the military superstate now that Obama’s running it are two totally […]

todayAugust 22, 2013 26
