Month: September 2013

90 Results / Page 9 of 10


Pile Of Prep

War Has Become Our Religion & Sacrifice To Wage It Our Penance

Mandeville, LA - Mike Church's daily Pile of Prep, chock full of Mike's take on the Syria war, the fake intelligence used to support it and our Moral Obligation Obama & Kerry want to start in Syria plus other [r]epublican stories used to perform the Mike Church Show on Sirius/XM Patriot channel 125. "...war serves as the great liturgical event for Americans, where we sacrifice the youth of the present generation to […]

todaySeptember 6, 2013 5

Church Doctrine

Maybe It’s Time We Reconsider Being British Starting With Adopting The Flag of Scotland

Mandeville, LA - Church Doctrine - The British Parliament is made up of two houses, the House of Lords and the House of Commons. There are currently 650 members of Parliament or MP’s in the House of Commons1. The Commons are supposed to be representative of the people and when they were recently asked to defy the people and vote “aye” on a resolution to join the United States in […]

todaySeptember 5, 2013 12


The Founding Fathers Left A Roadmap For Our Culture As Much As Our Politics

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Let me say to you something you won’t hear very many members of the talk radio mafia, a derisive name given to talk radio show hosts by Mary Anastasia O’Grady back in 2008 because radio hosts were refusing to endorse Senator McCain back then. I don’t believe that this juncture in the lives of Americans or of Western civilization in general is that much […]

todaySeptember 5, 2013 16


Interview With Andrew C. McCarthy On Syria, Executive Powers, John Kerry, And Islamic Supremacists

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – I want to go to the Dude Maker Hotline and say hello to my dear old friend Andrew C. McCarthy, who, if you didn’t see it yesterday I had posted it in our Pile of Prep and tweeted it out a couple times. I lauded some praise onto Andy’s piece dissenting from his editors and their endorsement or embrace of the Obama administration’s and […]

todaySeptember 5, 2013 7


We Don’t Need No Stinking Evidence, It’s War Time, Baby!

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – The United Nations did send a team of chemical weapons inspectors into Damascus and into Ghouta and into the surrounding suburbs where the atrocities allegedly took place that were a result of orders given directly from Bashar al-Assad. I have more on this intelligence here today, ladies and gentlemen. It is becoming apparent, if you actually look beneath the veneer of the fabled news […]

todaySeptember 5, 2013 14


Syria Wars: The American Empire Strikes Back

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Madman after madman after madman has received their fair share of American exceptionalism, yet here we are listening to these madmen tell us that if we don’t intervene this time there will be more madmen. Just hold on a second here! We have been exterminating madmen for near 70 freaking years. Every time a new madman comes up, you say we have to exterminate […]

todaySeptember 5, 2013 7

Pile Of Prep

Thursday Pile of Prep

Mandeville, LA - Mike Church's daily Pile of Prep, chock full of Mike's take on the Syria war, our Moral Obligation Obama & Kerry want to start in Syria plus other [r]epublican stories used to perform the Mike Church Show on Sirius/XM Patriot channel 125. "In these disguises they have appeared to claim the attention I propose to bestow on them; with a view to shew, from the publication itself, that […]

todaySeptember 5, 2013 7

Project '76

James Madison In War Power Smackdown to NeoCons – The Helvidius Letters

Mandeville, LA - Several pieces with the signature of Pacificus were lately published, which have been read with singular pleasure and applause, by the foreigners and degenerate citizens among us, who hate our republican government, and the French revolution; whilst the publication seems to have been too little regarded, or too much despised by the steady friends to both. Had the doctrines inculcated by the writer, with the natural consequences from them, […]

todaySeptember 4, 2013 3


Secretary Of State Kerry And Senator Rand Paul Debate Military Intervention In Syria

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Then the real fireworks began when Senator John “Rambo” Kerry made his way into the United States Senate chamber and began answering questions from people like Rand Paul. I have the pertinent parts of the Paul-Kerry dialogue from yesterday. If you haven’t heard it, it is illuminating inasmuch as Senator Paul is not buying any of the secretary of defense’s mighty protestations. Check out […]

todaySeptember 4, 2013 21
