
6014 Results / Page 563 of 669



Prof. Gutzman: Jeffersonian Decentralization Now Completely Absent from our System of Government

I think the chief problem we have is actually that whats called education in this area is mis-education. Another way of putting that is that there's such a disjunct between quote/unquote constitutional law in the Constitution that you understand the Constitution better by just reading it than you would if you took a class in constitutional law from, you know, a professor at some elite law school or some elite […]

todayJune 26, 2013 14


Citizen Church Speaks to Fellow Citizens on Civil Disobedience

MANDEVILLE, LOUISIANA - Exclusive Transcript - One-day after establishment Republicans unveiled their new Pledge to America, ergo Contract with America2.0, it is obvious, the loyal opposition no longer cares to aspire to the brand of smaller government rhetoric promised during the 1990s and most certainly no longer resembles in any fashion, the ideals espoused by former President Ronald Reagan during the Goldwater era.

todayJune 26, 2013 11


Liberty Exists Without The Government’s Permission

I just stop sometimes, I just marvel, seriously marvel at what liberty has created on these shores. We have things that no civilization in the history of Earth, hell, in the known universe, going all the way back to the cantina bar on Tatooine, or Dantooine. No one has had access to the stuff that Americans take for granted. And all you have to do is go to a birthday […]

todayJune 25, 2013 5


The Healthcare Debate Is Truly About Liberty

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - Your care, the care of your life, your freedom to negotiate a deal that might bankrupt you, true, but would save your life, your freedom to do that isn’t worth the piece of paper that you would sign it away for in the eyes of those people that live inside that 10-mile square. And they’re aghast that you’ve figured this out. They have been […]

todayJune 25, 2013 8


American Government Created to Secure Liberty

Back to Mr. Herbert Meyer, who was, in case you’re wondering what his pedigree is, this is the guy that wrote the piece “Revolution” that I’ve been reading you the last 12 minutes. Herbert Meyer served during the Reagan administration as a special assistant to the Director of Central Intelligence and vice chairman of the CIA’s National Intelligence Council. He holds the U.S. National Intelligence Distinguished Service Medal award, which […]

todayJune 25, 2013 10


Frederic Bastiat on Property & Plunder

Mandeville, LA - Since the subject of "Profit and Plunder" keeps coming up on the radio show and since I keep referring to Bastiat's brilliant essay on the subject, I have gathered the open source material from Bastiat's works and am posting part of his book "The Law" here to inform listeners and visitors on the subject. If you'd like to read the book online it can be found here […]

todayJune 25, 2013 5


Obama VS Reagan: A Voice in True Liberty

I will concede, and I will hope that the U.S.’s involvement in the Middle East come to a grinding halt as it applies to our financing of this regime or that regime, and our funding of keeping the Straits of Hormuz open, and the use of our Navy to ensure that the Saudi sheikhs continue to be able to purchase tin-plated or nickel-plated Audi A6s and new palaces to build […]

todayJune 24, 2013 7

The Constitution

Senator DeMint: The Constitution’s Defender

Let me get to Senator Jim DeMint. Now, I am proud to say that last week on this show I did a whole hour here on the GIVE Act, the Generational Investment and Volunteerism Enterprise, I think it’s called, the GIVE Act. This is the act that will create the Obamabot Army and pay them to volunteer. I mean, it’s insidious, ladies and gentlemen. It is also the act that […]

todayJune 24, 2013 5
