
6014 Results / Page 621 of 669



Church Doctrine-Congress Can Pass No Unifrom Rule Of Tyranny On AZ

[mp3t track='20111213_church_doctrine_sponsored.mp3']Mandeville, LA - Church Doctrine Audio & Transcript - Why Congress Cannot Impose A Uniform Rule Of Tyranny On AZ2011 Mike ChurchYesterday, the SCOTUS accepted an appeal from AZ to examine the 9th Circuit Courts striking down of SB 1070. The Obama administration and almost every pundit alive, including those of conservative Fox News support the striking of the law, citing the Article I, Section 8 power conferred on […]

todayDecember 14, 2011 8

Pile Of Prep

14 December, 2011 Pile of Prep

Just as Ron Paul predicted: Trump bails on the Iowa/NewsMax debate just like he bailed on the Lincoln dinner cited by Paul as why he would notparticipate in a Trump moderated debateMordor on the Potomac bags the bad guys who throw kitty litter in their trash cans...oh the horror!George Will continues his relentless assault on the inevitability of Newt Gingrich as conservative standard bearer and nominee because he should be […]

todayDecember 14, 2011 13

Church Doctrine

Church Doctrine – Why Congress Cannot Impose A Uniform Rule Of Tyranny

[private FP-Monthly|FP-Yearly|FP-Yearly-WLK][/private]Why Congress Cannot Impose A Uniform Rule Of Tyranny2011 Mike ChurchHey folks, its Mike Church with today's Church Doctrine.Yesterday, the SCOTUS accepted an appeal from AZ to examine the 9th Circuit Courts striking down of SB 1070. The Obama administration and almost every pundit alive, including those of conservative Fox News support the striking of the law, citing the Article I, Section 8 power conferred on Congress to establish […]

todayDecember 13, 2011 4


The 2011 Mike Church Christmas Wishlist-WANTED: Christmas Miracle

UPDATED 13 December, 2011 - WANTED: Christmas Miracle - I had previously written about Founding Father Films & The DudeGear Store's urgent need to move 2,000 copies of the Road To Independence-Director's Edition before New Years and so far I can report we have sold a little over 1/3 of that goal and there are basically now but 10 shopping days left until Christmas.Thanks for your support so far!Now, I […]

todayDecember 13, 2011 3

Pile Of Prep

13 December, 2011 Pile of Prep

Jeffrey Lord just cannot walk away from the Constitutional butt whooping Kevin Gutzman and Tom Woods have heaped on himHelp wanted: more companies that can fail in business yet live to tell their story and try againTwo new Iowa surveys show Ron Paul solidly in second place and NEAR the margin of errorThe latest from today's guest Jeffrey Tucker: How DC killed the debit card

todayDecember 13, 2011 5

Church Doctrine

Church Doctrine – The Christmas Star – Hiding In Plain Sight

[private FP-Monthly|FP-Yearly|FP-Yearly-WLK][/private]The Christmas Star - Hiding In Plain Sight2011 Mike ChurchHey folks, its Mike Church with today's Church Doctrine.Aristotle said that sports and the play are the closest humans actually come to contemplation because they exist outside of our normal activities and are not necessary to our existence*. This is what makes them exceptional and exciting, the pursuit of victories and records is in itself a pursuit of extraordinary existence, […]

todayDecember 12, 2011 5

Pile Of Prep

12 December, 2011 Pile of Prep

Drake University student poll is won by Ron Paul (39%) Romney (25%)TIC-Surerly Dear Leader will give his newest movement that is NOT "class warfare" a name like "The new deal", I propose hew call it the "The deal I Hopechanges them all" Some things you just leave alone and never ever try and copy, remake orimprove upon-like the 3 Stooges disaster coming out in Spring-here isthe trailer Historian, Gottfried says […]

todayDecember 12, 2011 7


Interview-Anthoney Gregory What Happened To America's Anti-Statist Spirit ?

[mp3t track='07122011_Interview_Anthony_Gregory_70_years_infamy.mp3'] Mandeville LA, The Mike Church Show - The Independent Institute's Anthony Gregory drops by the Mike Church Show to elaborate on his sweeping essay covering Pearl Harbor's causes and the effects of the war footing the U.S. engaged in and has never relinquished. As Gregory explains to Mike, there is a very large cost associated with these decisions. From the Independent Institute piece "70 Years of Infamy"But what resulted […]

todayDecember 9, 2011 8

Pile Of Prep

09 December, 2011 Pile of Prep

"Get Newtie!" Ron Paul on why the country needs to know the facts about the Gingrinch Who Stole ConservatismIs promising to appoint John Bolton as Secretary of War... I mean State, a violation of US Law?Daniel Larison responds to Jeffrey Lord's incoherent and wildly inaccurate portrayal of James Monroe DoctrineAmConMag asks the question the Mike Church Show has been answering this week:Why is the punditocracy so pathetically inept at covering […]

todayDecember 9, 2011 7
