
6014 Results / Page 637 of 669



Bill O'Reilly: What is Keynesianism?

[mp3t track='150611_Transcript2_oReilley_attacks_Ron_Paul_Church_Stossel_defend.mp3']NEW ORLEANS, La. - Few it would seem posses the audacity to display both complete and total ignorance on a subject whilst simultaneously remaining an arrogant bully to all those opposed to the statist agenda, however Bill O'Reilly is just one of those types. Last evening on his Fox News show "The O'Reilly Factor", O'Reilly acting like his usual bull in heat arrogant overly-macho self, brought John Stossel on […]

todayJuly 27, 2011 8

Church Doctrine

Best of: The Economic Ice-age Cometh

Austrian Consensus: The Economic Ice Age Cometh 2011 Mike Church Hi folks its Mike Church with todays Church Doctrine I can remember just a few years ago that the productive people of the United States faced a green menace which came in the form of a so called consensus view on global warming. This view held that evil, despicable men had generated quadrillions of unacceptable tons of Co2 which was […]

todayJuly 25, 2011 6


Ron Paul: Militarism Threatens National Security and Financial Stability of America

[mp3t track='080611_Ron_Paul.mp3']Ron Paul - My Job is to be the "Repeal" President*Note Player does not function in FireFox 4, however download is available. We are currently working to rectify the situation.NEW ORLEANS, La. - Presidential candidate, ardent defender of Liberty, and the best hope for averting a collapse of the country, the one and only Dr. Ron Paul joined Mike today to discuss a multitude of issues facing Americans and […]

todayJuly 25, 2011 3

Church Doctrine

Best of: Will Grandma Getting Groped by TSA become Blessing or Curse?

[private FP-Monthly|FP-Yearly|FP-Yearly-WLK][/private]WILL GRANDMA GETTING TSA GROPED BECOME A BLESSING OR A CURSE?2011 Mike ChurchHey Folks Mike Church here with Todays Church Doctrine WILL GRANDMA GETTING TSA GROPED BECOME A BLESSING OR A CURSE? The Church Doctrine is on, right after this.A mouthpiece for the Orwellian arm of the aerial police state-the TSA-informs us that a 95 year old grandmother, diagnosed with level 4 leukemia, somehow triggered an alarm at the […]

todayJuly 22, 2011 12


Best of: Republican Big-Government Plan for Healthcare

GOP hopes to capitalize on Disdain for Government by Offering more Government, WTF? Listen Now!Mike Church|GOP offers Bigger Government| MANDEVILLE, LOUISIANA Americans disillusioned by the massive expansion of government under President Obamas administration, and those with short-term memory loss who are pinning their hopes and dreams on a landslide of Republicans taking back Congress after this falls elections take note, its still just more CHANGE you cannot believe in.Indeed, establishment […]

todayJuly 22, 2011 4


Is the Sun Setting on America?

[mp3t track='12052011_Transcript_Kirk_4_Themes.mp3']Begin Mike Church Show TranscriptMike: Kirk and The Age of Eliot is the title to the piece. Now, I have posted this in todays Pile of Prep. Its on our Mike Church Show fan page on Facebook. And Im just going to read one excerpt of this because I just think its so relevant to today. Everything is not about economics. I know were taught to believe that everything […]

todayJuly 22, 2011 14

Church Doctrine

Best of the C-Doc: Come Join Me Comrade in the USSA

Nu, prisoedinit?sya ko mne commrade(Come, join me Comrade)2011 Mike ChurchHi folks it's Mike Church with Today's Church DoctrineI have one very simple question to ask today: What took the "experts" at Standard & Poor's so long to finally announce to the financial world what most Americans already knew: The United States' Federal Leviathan is BROKE and it is getting more indebted by the hour. The timeliness of S&P's threat to […]

todayJuly 21, 2011 4

Church Doctrine

Best of C-Doc: When Weal Tea Fails Beer and Republicans Prevail

[private FP-Monthly|FP-Yearly|FP-Yearly-WLK]2011 Mike ChurchHi folks its Mike Church with todays Church Doctrine. Amy Kremer is a leader in the Tea Party Express and until recently the Tea Party Express was mildly neutral on which Party it is aligned with. On Fox News Sunday [/private]When Weak Tea Fails... Beer and Republicans Prevail the veneer was stripped off and it became known that Tea Party Express was all in for the Republican […]

todayJuly 20, 2011 8


The Long Retreat of Liberalism

Parties of the left are on this earth to grow the government. By: Patrick J. BuchananPublished by: The American Conservative(WIRE/TAC) Though President Obama has run rings about the Republican Party in the debt-ceiling debate, that party can yet emerge victorious, if it will stick to its guns.Clearly, the Republican strategy was not thought through, when the party chose the debt ceiling as the legislative terrain on which to fight its […]

todayJuly 20, 2011 8
