insert_link Church Doctrine “Inconceivable”! Imperial Congress Guarantees Reliable Dreams, Independence Looms Mandeville LA - The job assignments for members of the Imperial Congress just keep expanding. In Michigan yesterday, President Obama spiked the football in the ObamaCare end-zone proclaiming that the Feds job is now to “...make sure our fellow citizens can also pursue their dreams”. Gee, I wonder what part of the Federal Constitution covers the guarantee of affordable dream-catchers? At about the same time Obama was promising free dreams, New Orleans […] todayApril 3, 2014 10
insert_link Church Doctrine Pampered, Lazy Drivers Aren’t Made Safer By Sneaky Traffic Cameras Mandeville LA - I wonder, if a car exceeds the speed limit on a highway but there is no one there to clock it using traffic cameras is it still speeding? In Louisiana currently the answer is yes. Representative Jeff Arnold of Algiers aims to change this Orwellian auto-world we Who-Dats live in by issuing a state- wide ban on the devices. Arnold correctly points out that the cameras “...are not about […] todayApril 1, 2014 2
insert_link Church Doctrine Sex, Lies and Creation Tapes Mandeville LA - If you repeat a lie often enough it is said to become the truth and so it is with the commendable yet ill-fated Louisiana law called the “Balanced Treatment For Creation Science and Evolution Science Act.” Some of you will remember that back in the 1980’s the State Legislature established this act over the hysterical cries of the the Times Picayune’s editors, aided and abetted by the […] todayMarch 25, 2014 12
insert_link Church Doctrine Why We Should Be Russians & Ban Mary Landrieu Too Mandeville LA - Remember the famous Newsweek cover “We’re All Socialists Now”. Well, I would like to propose a NWAT headline many of you will enjoy and commit to memory “We’re All Russians Now.” Why Russians? Well the Russians, God bless ‘em, had the foresight to do what Louisiana voters have failed to do for 12 years: banish Mary Landrieu. Landrieu was placed on Russia’s answer to The United State’s […] todayMarch 20, 2014 6
insert_link Church Doctrine Doctrine – Republican Ignorance of LA Constitution Is Unacceptable Mandeville LA - I fully expect that Louisiana’s Democrats haven’t read Louisiana’s Constitution. But the Republicans are supposed to be the party of the Constitution, both Louisiana & the shredded Federal version. Someone might want to send Lt. Governor Jay Dardenne a copy of Louisiana’s, it can help him out of the ridiculous pickle has boxed him in. Move on has taken to using Louisiana’s tourism logo and slogan, […] todayMarch 18, 2014 6
insert_link Church Doctrine Not Shocking: Common Cores Is Supported By Crony Capitalists Mandeville LA - Imagine a large, public meeting room full of men in fancy suits, passing a microphone around taking turns at critiquing your parenting skills. “Why did you tell little Johnny & Susie to bathe after dinner, shouldn’t they bathe before!?” Or “Instead of the Lord’s Prayer, have you ever thought of saying the Pledge of Allegiance before bed?!” “Why would I ever subject myself to such second […] todayMarch 13, 2014 1
insert_link Church Doctrine Doctrine – The LA Film Tax Credit, Time For Baton Rouge To Yell “Cut!” Mandeville LA - In today’s America, there isn’t a single state that can boast it is immune to political corruption but that doesn’t mean you have to roll out the red carpets for it. I am speaking of the greatest government money giveaway since Mary Landrieu became FEMA Claus: the ridiculous Louisiana Film Tax Credit. In 2012 this self inflicted wound showered almost $240 MILLION in tax breaks to Hollywood’s […] todayMarch 11, 2014 3
insert_link Church Doctrine Church Doctrine – Free People of Crimea Meet Abe Lincoln Doctrine - Free People of Crimea Meet Abe Lincoln Mandeville, LA - You have to hand it to the American media, they are eternally resourceful when confronted with a slow news cycle that threatens readers, viewers and thus profits. Take the latest “crisis” from the Ukraine. This story has been presented as an immediate threat to all civilized life on earth and for days now, news anchors have been doing reports […] todayMarch 6, 2014 5
insert_link Church Doctrine Doctrine: Where Will The Anything Goes, Gay Marriage Crusaders Strike Next? Mandeville, LA - I’m going to read you the definition of a word from a 1755 dictionary, and you tell me the word. “Airy, cheerful, merry, frolick.” If you answered “happy, spirited” or “playful”, check yourself into a sensitivity training course before its too late. The correct answer is the adjective form of “gay” and if you saw any video from Phoenix Arizona last night, I’d say Johnson’s dictionary is […] todayMarch 4, 2014 9
insert_link Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts Listener Calls Crusade Channel “Rolex Quality” – The Mike Church Show todayFebruary 27, 2018 1757