Post Show Show – 15 March 2012
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Mish: A home is a depreciating asset and with the Fed's help, the Federalgubbmint devastated the middle class with home ownership fever, a bubble that STILL has not fully burstDid the Sec of Defense REALLY just disarm the entire crowd of U.S. Soldiers he spoke to in Afghanistan!?, Why yes, […]
Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - What makes Ricky Santorum a Conservative? Voting to raise the debtceiling? Voting for No Child Left Behind? Voting for Medicare Part D?Banning the light Bulb? Eating yellow grits? These are all of the things that make Ricky a Conservative, right? Apparently it is in […]
Mandeville, LA - Audio Exclusive - Hey "you're an idiot!" What a wonderful way to start a conversation Sean.Maybe before calling in to a radio show and insulting someone you should do some research on earmarks and socialism so you know what you'retalking about. And before you insult someone on […]
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Michelle Obama - world food policeman at large- is smacked down by 11 year old reporterThe Fed test runs what it calls a "doomsday scenario" but what we affectionately refer to as : REALITYGas prices got game: Dear Leaders poll numbers plummet as gas prices fall
[mp3t track='Mike_Church_Mises_ArtV_speech.mp3'] Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Audio - Check out Mike's and Donald Livingston's speeches from the Ludwig von Mises Institute in Auburn, AL on 10 March, 2012. They discuss numerous topics including the scale of our Government, a ConstitutionalConvention, Nullification, and much, much more. There's almost too muchknowledge in […]
Even the WAR Party is sick & tired of the Afghan War and this poll is taken before the murder spree committed by a U.S. Soldier on Saturday Ron Paul delegates take over county conventions in GA upsetting the Gingrich supporters who thought the meeting was a formality U.S. soldier […]
[mp3t track='09032012_Interview_Jack_Hunter_EDIT.mp3'] Begin Mike Church Show TranscriptMike: Now, speaking of Kirkpatrick Sale, I know somebody that knows Kirkpatrick Sale better than I, and thats our good friend Jack Hunter, the Southern Avenger. Jack, how are you?Jack Hunter: Good morning, Mike. How are you?Mike: Im well. Youre a buddy with Kirkpatrick.Jack: […]
[mp3t track='02032012_Tea_Party_does_not_like_Ron_Paul_he_isnt_conservative_enough_EDIT.mp3']Begin Mike Church Show TranscriptMike: I just Tweeted out, asking the question of whether or not todays Tea Partiers are phony conservatives, and I mean phony conservatives inasmuch as, to me, a conservative is someone thats conserving original intent, or trying to conserve as best they can, the original […]