The fever pitch reached in elevating SCOTUS CJ Roberts to deity is a sign of the desperation of the Right & Left as evidenced by these ridiculous headlines: The Compromise of 2012 (as if your health is a territory Congress needs to make rules for) The WSJ Editors get it […]
Want to see WHO is Google-ing the term "secede" today, then click this link and see where your city/state ranks George Will: shoot your self in the knee to teach yourself guns are bad and let tyrants tyrannize you to inspire reactions!? John Roberts the "conservative" meets John Roberts the […]
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ObamaCare, ACA, whatever you call it, by lunch we'll know if we have a dictatorship or a judicial oligarchy...Yay Stalin Carville rushes to the defense and aid of good 'ol "Congresswoman Dentures" aka Louise Slaughter who faces a strong challenge. Carville also digs at Tea Party "It's over... have to […]