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Pile Of Prep

08 December, 2011 Pile of Prep

The latest poll results show the Newtus Quo in firm command of the $4.7 Trillion first prizeBanshee Woman and co. are raising hundreds of thousands of $$ to overturn thewill of the WI electorate, their elected governor and reasonable reforms to public union entitlements-these people are at WAR and if […]

todayDecember 8, 2011 7


The GinGrinch Who Stole Conservatism

[mp3t track='07122011_Transcript1_who_are_these_conservative_voters_and_why_dont_they_defend_constitution.mp3']Begin Mike Church Show TranscriptMike: Here, under the heading Has Gingrich Changed, by Mark Steyn, posted yesterday, National Review Online. So it was about time for Steyn to step up to the plate and say, okay, well, heres what I think about Newt Gingrich. And he wrote this back […]

todayDecember 8, 2011 8

Church Doctrine

Church Doctrine – Undoing The Damage Of A Date Which Lives In Infamy

[private FP-Monthly|FP-Yearly|FP-Yearly-WLK][/private]Undoing The Damage Of A Date Which Lives In Infamy2011 Mike ChurchHey folks, its Mike Church with today's Church Doctrine.Dec 7th, 1941 a date which shall live in infamy. These were the words spoken by FDR to a joint session of Congress after the Japanese had attacked Pearl Harbor. […]

todayDecember 7, 2011 7

Pile Of Prep

07 December, 2011 Pile of Prep

Today's Guest, Anthony Gregory reflects on the REAL "Infamy" that has occurred since Pearl Harbor Pat Buchanan makes similar- FDR provoked Pearl Harbor arguments over at AmConMagDear Leader Chairman MaObama channels not TR but FDR in fire-breathing defense of all things SocialistRon Paul is a strong second in new poll […]

todayDecember 7, 2011 6


Mike Church Show Transcript-The USA, Bottled Water Provider Of First Resort

[mp3t track='06122011_Transcript2_US_bottled_water_provider_of_first_resort.mp3']Begin Mike Church Show TranscriptCaller: In the last couple months I have called other radio talk show hosts, just to try to insert some intelligent thought in their show. And they basically give me the equivalent of just the middle finger, the intellectual middle finger. They dont even want […]

todayDecember 7, 2011 3

Daily Clip

War Propaganda Makes For Useful-Jingoistic- Idiots

Mandeville, LA - Doug From KY calls the show to express his anger at Mike Church for being "naive" about the "threat from the evil Iranians" or in neocon/chickenhawk speak the Iranians are brown people in need of personal experience with American Rainbow Bombs. Mike tries to reason with the […]

todayDecember 6, 2011 5

Pile Of Prep

06 December, 2011 Pile of Prep

Senator Tom Coburn: I would NOT support Gingrich for PresidentBlowback anyone? The Pakistanis are clearly suffering from our "alliance" and do not appreciate the way we treat our "friends" but wait, there is nosuch thing as "blowback" just ask any Ron Paul haterPitchforks ready? The Fed is prepping the way, […]

todayDecember 6, 2011 5


Mike Church Show Transcript-Gingrich DID Promote Taxing Carbon!

[mp3t track='05122011_Gingrich_conservatism_cap_and_trade.mp3']Begin Mike Church Show TranscriptMike: Well, [George] Will also said this:  Ask yourself this:  Suppose Gingrich or Romney become President and get reelected suppose you had eight years of this, George Will said.  What would the conservative movement be?  How would it understand itself after eight years?  I think […]

todayDecember 6, 2011 4
