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KingDude & Professor DeRosa Discussing Washington, The South and Austrian Scholars Conference

[mp3t track='21022011_Transcript_2_pt.3.mp3'] (Audio) Mandeville, LA - We were very fortunate tohave a familiar guest, Professor MarshallDeRosa, on the DudeMaker Hot Line with us during the third hour of thismorning's show. DeRosa is a professor of Political Science at FloridaAtlantic University, a constitutional scholar, and an author of severalbooks based on […]

todayFebruary 21, 2011 7

Daily Clip

Jim From Libtardia…And Boy Is He Fired Up!

(Audio) Mandeville, LA - Yet again we have reached another Free Phone Friday here on The MikeChurch Show, usually a day filled with joyous interaction betweenbeloved host and listener. We awake extra early to don our Hawaiianshirts and make our way to Studio D where we continue to bring youConstitutionally […]

todayFebruary 18, 2011 10

Church Doctrine

17 February, 2011 – The Church Doctrine

[private FP-Monthly|FP-Yearly|FP-Yearly-WLK][/private]The Founders, Hell and Hand Baskets2011 Mike ChurchHi folks its Mike Church with todays Church DoctrineEveryone knows that the Founding Fathers are making a big comeback and while this is good news for conservatives it is not good news enough. Why? Because just having some romantic affection for the […]

todayFebruary 17, 2011 7


KingDude Gets Heated Over Obama’s Direct Lies On The Budget!

[mp3t track='16022011_Transcript_2.mp3'] (Audio) Mandeville, LA - If you heard the show this morning then you were fortunate enough tohear the KingDude in rare form. True, we do use the term 'rare form'occasionally here when referring to particular monologues that get thatspecial blessing from the radio gods before being pursed through […]

todayFebruary 16, 2011 9


Either The Past Or Back To The Future, The Debt Remains

[mp3t track='16022011_Transcript_1.mp3'] (Audio & Transcript) Mandeville, LA -The KingDude starts this clip with a pretty relevant quote from late'Cool' Cal Coolidge and it sounds a little something like this:"...Under the austerity and fidelity to the Constitution, and thedevotion to sound money of the Coolidge Administration the FederalGovernment had repaid the […]

todayFebruary 16, 2011 19

Church Doctrine

16 February, 2011 – The Church Doctrine

[private FP-Monthly|FP-Yearly|FP-Yearly-WLK][/private]Why Do People Believe in the Asset Bubble Fairy?2011 Mike ChurchHi folks its Mike Church with todays Church DoctrineToday I was confronted by an angry caller who insisted that the United States current debt and deficit problems were not problems at all. Why, they are blessings! After all we […]

todayFebruary 16, 2011 4

Daily Clip

The Federal Government Is Dissolved, Corrupt & Illegitimate

(Audio) Mandeville, LA - Let's start this clip by getting something straight real quick,and that is that our Federal Government is absolutely dissolved, andit's dissolved because it cannot be representative at the levels thatit is currently at. The Government is dissolved, the Government iscorrupt and it is illegitimate. It's nothing […]

todayFebruary 15, 2011 11


KingDude’s Take On David Hume & The Republican Tradition of Human Scale

[mp3t track='15022011_Transcript_2.mp3'] (Audio) Mandeville, LA - With the KingDude behind the mic we always try and give you anintellectual as well as entertainment awesomeness throughout the show.This morning we came across a snippet in "David Hume and the RepublicanTradition of Human Scale" where Donald W.Livingston brilliantly walks you through Hume's […]

todayFebruary 15, 2011 6

Church Doctrine

14 February, 2011 – The Church Doctrine

[private FP-Monthly|FP-Yearly|FP-Yearly-WLK][/private]So Where is the Line in the Sand: Mordor or Hooterville? 2011 Mike ChurchHi folks its Mike Church with todays Church DoctrineWhen I spoke at CPAC on Friday night I asked the young people in attendance if they thought they were the first to gather in a CPAC meeting […]

todayFebruary 14, 2011 2
