Daily Clip Congress’ Ability to Dictate Salary Leads to Representation of the Lowest Common Denominator The Ability of those in Power to Put themselves First has Long Been aDanger to the Republic(Audio) MANDEVILLE, LOUISIANA - It is often suggested thatmany of the ills emanating from the body politic can be corrected with meretinkering of the system. Whether instituted by term limits, transparentfinancial disclosure, or any […] todayOctober 7, 2010 4
Daily Clip The Fundamental Difference between the Chinese and American Economies The Error of Promoting Unilateral Higher-Education and the Decline of theAmerican Economy(Audio) MANDEVILLE, LOUISIANA The blanket pursuit of plunging one's selfinto massive debt in order to obtain a college degree in conjunction with thedeindustrialization of America via global free-trade agreements share a few rathersobering traits, both have contributed to devolving […] todayOctober 7, 2010 3
Daily Clip Ownership of Private Property best way to Ensure Environmental Integrity Environmental Movements Loyalty to Central Planning exposes Flaw in Green Philosophy(Audio) MANDEVILLE, LOUISIANA - The complete and utterreliance on a central plan emanating from a government in order to protect theenvironment is a total and complete anathema to reality. Whether it is the GreenPolice commercial during half-time of the Super […] todayOctober 5, 2010 2
Daily Clip President Implores Youth Not to Depend on Selves; urges Allegiance to Government Fomenting the Cycle of Government Dependency & Wealth Transfer to theNext Generation(Audio) MANDEVILLE, LOUISIANA - President Obama appeared last night before acrowd of young energetic supporters at a Democratic National Committee fundraiser and concert featuring rapper B.o.B. to remind them that without government,their lives would be meaningless and to dismiss […] todayOctober 1, 2010 3
Transcripts Expedite judgement Day in CA-Vote Jerry Brown! Begin Mike Church Show Transcript Mike: How many of you are following, at any level, the racefor the governorship or the Senate seat in California? I mean, in theSenate race you have the wonderful, what were they called, the GLOW,Gorgeous Ladies of Wrestling. Except theyre not gorgeous, theyrehacks. You have […] todaySeptember 30, 2010 8
Daily Clip December Surprise: Lame Duck Congress Power Grab Abolish Lame Duck Sessions as a Check against Unaccountable Governance(Audio) MANDEVILLE, LOUISIANA - With Congress deciding to adjourn in order tocampaign, the table is set for a massive push following the elections, to passthe most highly controversial measures such as a tax increase via a lame ducksession of Congress.This coldly […] todaySeptember 30, 2010 5
Daily Clip The Necessity of Federalism in Defence [sic] of Liberty Bruce Fein: Federalism createscompetition in good government(Audio) MANDEVILLE, LOUISIANA As discussion continues topercolate once again throughout the nation regarding the proper role andfunctions of government, Mike takes us back to the Article V Symposium heldearlier this year. Specifically, he points to Professor Bruce Feins eloquent tractateon the inherently competitive nature […] todaySeptember 29, 2010 10
Daily Clip The Fundamental Flaw with Term Limits Term Limits are but a Red Herring and Offer no Salvation from ExcessiveFederal Government(Audio) MANDEVILLE, LOUISIANA Some in the Tea Partymovement are convinced that one tool to restrain the power of the federalgovernment in Washington lies in instituting strict term-limits on congressionalrepresentation.However, much like the progressive movement of the last […] todaySeptember 28, 2010 11
Daily Clip Eliminate Entitlement Programs Philosophy of Entitlements is Theft of Private Property, Couched as CharitableGiving by Government(Audio) MANDEVILLE, LOUISIANA - In todays Clip of the Day, Mike speaks tohow by accepting the government nationalizing philanthropic giving, we as apeople embraced a philosophy of coerced charity while simultaneously severing thebackbone of community safety-nets such as […] todaySeptember 24, 2010 6