insert_link The New Christendom Daily What An Actual Catholic Campaign For The Presidency Would Include And Sound Like todayMay 15, 2023 33
insert_link Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts Monday New Christendom Daily-If Congress Wants To Stop Biden’s Alien Invasion, They’ll Need To Declare War. todayMay 15, 2023 14
insert_link Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts Friday New Christendom Daily-The Title 42 Migrant Tsunami Is Here! todayMay 12, 2023 10
Pile Of Prep Friday Pile of Prep: The Title 42 MigrantTsunami Is Here Hodierna Verba Veritatis et Sapientiae “Mitchell Kalpakgian writes in Seniorite vein about the lost arts of conversation and “enjoying people” in the slim but valuable volume The Lost Arts of Modern Civilization. Reminding us in the words of St Thomas that “no man can live without pleasure,” Kalpakgian asserts that […] todayMay 12, 2023 19
insert_link Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts Thursday New Christendom Daily-Will Anyone In The Biden Crime Family Pay For What Congress Has Revealed? todayMay 11, 2023 16
Pile Of Prep Thursday Pile of Prep Hodierna Verba Veritatis et Sapientiae “His [M.E. Bradford's] attempt to restore a conservative understanding of the Founding led to a series of famous exchanges with Harry Jaffa (and his epigones), and this is, probably, what Bradford is unfortunately best known for today. Jaffa argued that the Declaration was a revolutionary […] todayMay 11, 2023 20
insert_link Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts Wednesday New Christendom Daily-No, Biden CANNOT Use The 14th Amendment To Raise The Debt Ceiling! todayMay 10, 2023 6
insert_link Pile Of Prep Wisdom Wednesday Pile of Prep – The 14th Amendment CANNOT Be Used To Raise The Debt Ceiling! todayMay 10, 2023 11