[private FP-Monthly|FP-Yearly|FP-Yearly-WLK] [/private] MANDEVILLE, LA - EXCLUSIVE AUDIO - If Mitt were elected President what would be his first official act as President? Well if you guessed "follow the Constitution and shrink the size of Government" you should probably not audition for Jeopardy. No, all of his ideas for economic and job growth involve Government oversight. In fact, you can view the expansions on his website and read about them yourself, at least that way you can hear the train […]
So much for Newt's "The Last Conservative Standing" agitprop - Ron Paul draws THREE THOUSAND to rally in Ft. Worth TX - Story WITH photo evidence This video of a debate between an Cardinal and an A-theist is actually pretty good to watch and may surprise those who think the isshah of God's existence can't be rationally debated (see today's MCS for such an example) Black Eyed Peabrains: Newt proclaims he is THE Last Conservative Standing, gee I wonder what […]
Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - Approximately 1600 years ago, St Augustine knew better than to trust the government, calling them nothing more than a gang of thieves and robbers. And what have we learned in the time since then? Nothing, we trust them implicitly, we cash government checks, and we look up to them as if THEY are Saints. In these times we are in a dark tunnel and the light of liberty at the end is fading fast, […]
Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Audio & Transcript - Kyle thinks that morals are innate within all of us, that they just fall from the sky and that religion is the great divide and we'll all live in peace and harmony when the young Atheists grow up and shed all of the old ways. Mike calls bullsh*t on Kyle and all the atheists out there, the argument for and against their "innate" morality never ends, check out today's clip for more... […]
[private FP-Monthly|FP-Yearly|FP-Yearly-WLK] [/private] We've got an update on Santorum “suspending” his campaign and Chris Christie had something to say about our entitlement society in New York at a forum on economy.
Rick Santorum leaves campaign 2012 in debt and in need of a bailout, Shepard Smith drones on with Ed Rollins for 20 minutes talking of the 2 REMAINING candidates: Romney & Gingrich, ahem, where is Ron Paul? Someone else at Fox googled him and voila, he lives! Tim Carney demolishes Dear Leader's argument that those filthy, stinking, shysters known as "the rich" don't pay their fair share. Well that depends on who gets two define fair Ron Paul statement of […]
[private FP-Monthly|FP-Yearly|FP-Yearly-WLK] [/private] Stay tuned after Mike's commentary for the complete Mike Wallace interview with Ayn Rand from 1959.