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Paul Ryan's "Free Market" Health Care Reform Has UnConstitutional Mandate Too – Mike Church Show Exclusive Audio & Transcript

[mp3t track='02042012_Transcript1_Ryans_free_market_healthcare_reform_has_UnConstitutional_mandate_too.mp3'] Begin Mike Church Show TranscriptMike:  So I played Rand Paul -- by the way, you can download Hillarys Healthcare at if you are 24/7 Backstage Pass, or soon to be Founders Pass, member.  So I played Rand Paul to illustrate again, or to just get another voice in on this, that the conscription of a doctor in the service of having to provide something is as unconstitutional as the individual mandate is.  If Rand is correct, and […]

todayApril 2, 2012 2

Pile Of Prep

NBC Framed Zimmerman With Fake 911 Call

VIDEO: Paul Ryan-the GOP's wunderkid-tells ABC News' Stephanopoulas that Republican mandates on Insurance companies are different than Dumbocrat mandates on individuals The 911 call made by community patrol member George Zimmerman was edited to make Zimmerman sound like what Al Sharpton fantasizes about: a KKK card carrying member on a quest to shoot black folks. This is why I continue telling the audience that the only cure for this is to ignore the "elitist liberal media" and get your news elsewhere! […]

todayApril 2, 2012 4

Pile Of Prep

30 March, 2012 Pile of Prep

  Ilana Mercer: The RIC - Racism Industrial Complex - has sprung into Trayvon Martin marketing mode while black on white crime goes unreported Where's Obama? Families and friends of 2 British teens, murdered in FL by a 17 year old want to know why Obama has not expressed any outrage over their loss... Oh and did we mention the shooter was black and the slain boys were white? They're Listening! WaPo picks up on my analysis that a loss for Obama […]

todayMarch 30, 2012 10

Church Doctrine

Beauty in the Eye of Hurricane Holder

MANDEVILLE, LA  - One of the things that modern conservatives have forgotten to do is to stop, enjoy, then support the good things in life. We are instead trained from political birth to think of everything in political terms. Once you are baptized in the Reagan waters this is the way things are but it wasn’t always like this. Early American conservatives were actually known for their promotion of the arts and would have plenty to admire this spring in […]

todayMarch 30, 2012 7

Daily Clip

Interview with Dr. Claes G. Ryn

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Audio & Transcript - Check out Mike's interview with Dr. Claes G. Ryn from yesterday's show. They discuss numerous topics including the modern Conservative (or Neo-Con) and the classical Conservative. The full transcript is posted here for your reading pleasure as well as an audio highlight from the interview. Enjoy! Begin Mike Church Show Transcript Mike:  So let me start by asking, or just asking you to flesh the question out a little bit, so maybe […]

todayMarch 30, 2012 11


Church Doctrine – Beauty in the Eye of Hurricane Holder

  Please Subscribe to the 24/7 BackStage Pass to Watch, Listen to AND Download this full episode of the Post ShowShow for a mere $4.95 per month and help keep this quality, Founders Red Pill content airing daily for all to hear at Yourmembership also entitles you to a 15% Discount on ALL of Mike's DudeGear Store items including The Road To Independence and Spirit of '76 DVDsets, Mike's original design t-shirts and much more. Click here to subscribe […]

todayMarch 30, 2012 5
