insert_link Latest Your Daily Dose of “Pimp Romney, Buck Up & Tow the GOP Line or Else! Your daily dose of "pimp Romney, buck up & tow the GOP line or else, from "fan" Rob McCloud: "Mike, I thought you were a great thinker but after listening you for the last couple of days I guess I was wrong. Sorry but that is the way it has to be." todayOctober 17, 2012 3
Pile Of Prep Dear Leader Sinks to New, Red Ink Low-Is Debt Party Over? Gallup: Obama continues lead balloon sink to bottom of pool of red ink AND "Likely Voters" Pumpkin Head Frank Luntz's group of hacks: 16-1 break FOR Romney Buchanan: Who will win the clash of civilizations? as Muslims explode and Christians commit voluntary suicide of their faith & thus their civilization Larison: Has Romney done enough to mask his DeceptiCON hard-liner stance on foreign policy? That won't change the resulting carnage and waste Old News presented as new fodder: Food Stamp rolls […] todayOctober 17, 2012 6
insert_link Transcripts How Stonewall Jackson Can Teach Our Sons and Us About Being Gentleman Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - One of the things that has gone off the train tracks and it is our job as men to put it back on -- no, I am not calling you ladies into service because this is not your job. Sorry, but that’s one of the things that’s gone off the track. There is a difference between what a guy’s job is, what a gentleman’s job is, a Christian gentleman, and what a lady’s job […] todayOctober 16, 2012 6
insert_link Daily Clip CRAZY TALK: Substituting SOLUTIONS for Presidential Elections!? Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Audio and Transcript - Leo Linbeck at The Imaginative Conservative has an article called "Why Congress Doesn't Work: Undermining Self-government" where he says that the problems with our government are SO complex and SO huge that we basically choose to ignore them and focus on something else (the Presidential Election). One man can't solve everything that's wrong with our government, but that's all the American sheople and media are focused on, because the real problems are […] todayOctober 16, 2012 8
insert_link Founders Television Is Obsessing Over the Presidential Election a Wise Thing To Do? Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Video and Audio - As a Conservative, why would you want to obsess over the Presidential Election? You're obsessing over the centralization of power. The more time we spend worrying about what one guy is doing or has done, continues the cycle that many Americans believe that he has all the power. Republicans have controlled the Presidency for almost 2/3's of the time since 1960, but what has happened to government? It has continued to expand. […] todayOctober 16, 2012 2
Pile Of Prep There is No Salvation To Be Delivered By Romney or Obama, Obsessing Over Them Is Making It Worse Obama & co. ponder where to strike the rebels they helped put in power in Libya (still no word on the orignal sin of intervention) Loyalty of the Lib as seen in polls: ObamaBots bolt the President on the results of ONE debate? And you wonder where the character & virtue of our civilization has gone? "Ruh Roh Shaggy!" The Democrats get out the vote effort, much maligned the past 4 years, looks to be working BETTER than the GOP's […] todayOctober 16, 2012 4
insert_link Daily Clip Caller Joe Says Mike’s Vote for David Simpson Was a Waste Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Audio and Transcript - Caller Joe thinks that the only people we should vote for are "viable candidates", people that have been knighted by one of the two parties as a candidate and a vote for anyone else is a waste. Well, by his own logic, Obama is a viable candidate and people like Gary Johnson and Ron Paul aren't. And Joe thinks that Mike's vote for his good friend, David Simpson, was a waste, even […] todayOctober 15, 2012 7
insert_link Transcripts Are Johnson Voters Guilty of Electing Obama? Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - The question being asked in American elections these days is a rigged question. The only thing that’s left to be decided by our universal suffrage is how much of your property is going to be taken from you for public consumption. That’s not what a free people does. The question has already gone before us. We already answered the question that we do not own our property, that all government at some level has […] todayOctober 15, 2012 7
insert_link Transcripts Our Duty is to Refound the Republic Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Transcript - As I say at the outset, in the first chapter of What Lincoln Killed: Episode I, there are two types of Americans: Jeffersonians and Lincolnians. About 95, 97 percent of the population are Lincolnians. They are empiricists. They believe in the power of the almighty federal government. They subject themselves to it. They have been subjugated by it and they have come to peace and made their terms with it. Lincoln began this process […] todayOctober 15, 2012 4