Church Doctrine

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Church Doctrine

Five Men That History Says Were Important But Never Played For The Saints

  5 Men That History Says Were Important But Never Played For The Saints ©2012 Mike Church On the 28th of June, 1776 5 men strolled into Philadelphia’s Independence Hall with a document in hand. While most Americans today can name 10-15 members of their favorite football or basketball teams how many can name those five? Oh and the document was? The Declaration of Independence although not the one you […]

todayJune 29, 2012 6

Church Doctrine

If A President Has A Secret Kill List He Can’t Be A U.S. President

If A President Has A Secret Kill List He Can’t Be A U.S. President ©2012 Mike Church The Monday edition of the New York Slimes blared the headline “Secret Kill List Proves A Test of Obama’s Principles”. This of course assumes that OUR principles matter not, seeing as how our royally “elected” dictators cannot locate any restrictions on the extent of their powers in the Constitution. Constitutions aside I have […]

todayJune 1, 2012 4

Church Doctrine

80% Of Something You Are Entitled To 100% Of Is Not A Bargain

©2012 Mike Church A few months back I threw out the idea that this fuddy duddy little document here, the U.S. Constitution, gave the State Courts near exclusive power over any cases concerning foreign countries and a state. I was told that the Constitution didn’t matter because the Editors of the Times Picayune and some publicly funded marine biologists had oil scarred dolphins and turtles to care for. Well the […]

todayMay 17, 2012 3

Church Doctrine

Our Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad, World aka What Is A Pre-k 4 & Why Am I Subsidizing It?

©2012 Mike Church In the 1963 comedy film “It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World2” an ensemble cast goes on a frantic search for loot buried by a bank robber. The mob finally gets the loot only to have it showered over a parade watching crowd. That pretty well sums up the American version of self government these days, governments go in search of loot buried in citizens wallets, dig […]

todayMay 11, 2012 1

Church Doctrine

Landrieu: The King of The Mystically Imbecilic Krewe of Tacchzuss

  ©2012 Mike Church I thought I had heard almost every ridiculous, self-serving justification for government intervention in markets and then along came New Orleans Mayor Mitch Landrieu’s scheme to “fix” the New Orleans economy by raising taxes on it.  Landrieu who must be auditioning for a part on “Biggest Loser-Government Edition” proposes that a new “taxing zone” be consecrated by the State1. This zone will act under the plundering […]

todayMay 9, 2012 18

Church Doctrine

Happy 200th Birthday to the Country of Louisiana

  Happy 200th Birthday to The Country of Louisiana 1812-2012 ©2012 Mike Church Yesterday, 30 April 2012 marked the 200th4 anniversary of Louisiana’s membership in the Union of these United States of America. The front page of today’s Times Picayune blares out the misinformed headline “200 years after joining the nation, Louisiana…” blah blah blah. The headline is misinformed because Louisiana IS a nation in the same sense that France […]

todayMay 2, 2012 4

Church Doctrine

What You Should Know About Fleet Week & Church Bells

  What You Should Know About Fleet Week & Church Bells ©2012 Mike Church The War of 1812 bi-centennial kicked off in New Orleans during last week’s “Fleet Week”. On Monday the battle ships from 6 countries sailed down the MS to the Gulf of Mexico from whence they came to the sound of tolling church bells. Though the bells were mentioned in several media accounts no-one bothered to tell […]

todayApril 27, 2012 8

Church Doctrine

Louisianans Can Restore Their Republic But ‘Dey Gotta Vote

  Louisianans Can Restore Their Republic But ‘Dey Gotta Vote ©2012 Mike Church There is an election going on this weekend in LA that few people know about and that is a shame. What turns the shame to an outrage is that this election has profound implications on how this state and maybe The Mobocracy we let pass for a union is governed, it is called the Louisiana Republican Caucus*. […]

todayApril 25, 2012 4

Church Doctrine

Drew Brees Is to LA What Jeff Daniels Is To Michigan (oh, and he plays Pro Football too)

Drew Brees Is to LA What Jeff Daniels Is To Michigan (oh, and he plays pro football too) ©2012 Mike Church For 3/4 of these United States history we operated as merit based communities. The adage of “working hard and playing by the rules” was last used by Bill Clinton and coined by American novelist Horatio Alger who wrote that success was achieved by “…honesty, thrift, self-reliance, industry, a cheerful […]

todayApril 24, 2012 7
