Daily Clip Incorporationistas Must be Stopped Comment(s)NEW ORLEANS, Louisiana Mike talks to a caller and explains the why and how the states have the power to mandate something such as automobile insurance, whereas a federal mandate upon the several states as it relates to health insurance remains patently unconstitutional. todaySeptember 6, 2011 8
Daily Clip Red Tape and Tax Burden Stifle the Solution to the Energy Crisis Comment(s)NEW ORLEANS, Louisiana Mike takes a call about the fallacy that was the T. Boone Pickens wind farm fraud whereby the gentlemanly sounding Pickens ended up revealing himself as nothing but yet another corporatist looking for massive corporate welfare in the form of wealth-transfer subsidies to fund his snake-oil wind farm.The sad reality is, that as the layers of red tape on top of a tax burden that requires two […] todayAugust 31, 2011 3
Daily Clip How to Take an Active Role in the Restoration of Liberty Comment(s)NEW ORLEANS, Louisiana Mike speaks to the success of last nights ReFounding Father Society meeting and implores all those who profess to love Liberty and hold firm the inherent right to limited self-government begin taking an active not passive role in seeing the principles and virtues of little r republicanism come to fruition.If we are to prevail in refastening the blessings won by the Founding Generation it will emanate from […] todayAugust 19, 2011 1
Daily Clip Krauthammer and Rove’s Hamiltonian Fetish for a King Comment(s)NEW ORLEANS, Louisiana In the annals of Great DeceptiCON hyperbole, Mike exposes the ingrained fetish Straussians have as it relates to the role of the President. According to Charles The Grinch Krauthammer and Karl Rove, President Obamas bus tour is a farce due to the campaign style stump speeches in lieu of him explaining what HE will do to fix the economy.Newsflash: The President does not set policy that is […] todayAugust 18, 2011 3
Daily Clip Allen West – Tea Party Traitor Comment(s)NEW ORLEANS, La. - Allen West has shown his traitorous colors as it relates to principles or belief in Liberty and little-r republicanism. As such he reveals that his only claim to being a member of the "Tea Party" was in order to pander to the group so he too might enjoy the aristocracy of the contemporary U.S. Congress. Mike and Dr. Kevin Gutzman discuss the Traitor West's Tea Party […] todayAugust 4, 2011 1
Daily Clip Are We Still Capable of Living in a Free Society? NEW ORLEANS, La. Is it even possible to enjoy the benefits of Liberty when the only form of entertainment emanating from the "mainstream" is the self-degradation of the individual in favor of a collective orgy. todayAugust 1, 2011 3
Daily Clip The Role of the New Media Cannot be Taken for Granted NEW ORLEANS, La. - The ever-increasing role of the New-Media provides We the People an opportunity not seen since the days of the American rEVOLution. The last century saw the advent of both radio and television, but both were quickly co-opted by the corporatists and then given special protections via the FCC. Thus, these mass forms of communication were placed out of the hands of the people, of course under […] todayJune 24, 2011 5
Daily Clip If You Love Liberty Then Act Upon Your Passion, Get Involved in the Solution NEW ORLEANS, La. - Facts grow ever-more plain by the day that Mordor on the Potomac is tightening the screws so as to extend their intermingling into every single aspect of our lives. The Long Train of Abuses hastened mightily by the last two inhabitants of the Office of the Executive have pursued the same Object, evincing to impose an absolute tyranny over the remnant of free people who inhabit […] todayJune 22, 2011 14
Daily Clip Status Quo: Beware the Constitutional Remedy for Restraining the General Government NEW ORLEANS, La. Mike and Dr. Kevin Gutzman discuss the Clinton News Networks (CNN) Fareed Zakaria who has opted to rationalize that since the U.S. Constitution was written before indoor plumbing, perhaps it may be a good idea to trash it and let Facebook Users vote on what the NEO American Constitution should contain.Such flippant attitudes towards the Constitution is nothing new, but his careless demeanor in how the American […] todayJune 21, 2011 5
insert_link Mike Church Presents The Red Pill Diaries Podcasts Listener Calls Crusade Channel “Rolex Quality” – The Mike Church Show todayFebruary 27, 2018 1757