Daily Clip

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Daily Clip

Libtards Next Move: Gun Control

(Audio) Mandeville, LA - You can't make the world perfect, we can't make the world perfect.There are bad men out there and that's the gist of it. However, therewas a time, once upon, where Jared Loughner may not have had time toreload his semi-automatic Glock because there would have been enoughmen and women in attendance with sidearms to take his ass out. Instead,modern society has taken the privilege of perfecting […]

todayJanuary 11, 2011 6

Daily Clip

Keith Olbermann. You, Sir, Are Wrong…Yet Again.,

(Audio) Mandeville, LA - In the aftermath of the horrible events taking place in Tucson Arizona we come across a digital media file possessing a familiar voice to those residing in Libtardia. Mr. Keith Ogreman.Upon returning from the land of digital media files where Mr. Ogremanclearly states and confirms his lack of founding father knowledge whenhe claims a Thomas Jefferson quote regarding blood, tyranny and theTree of Liberty were taken […]

todayJanuary 10, 2011 6

Daily Clip

Yes, We Would Still Like Gubbmint To “Shut Up And Drill”

(Audio) Mandeville, LA - Question: Price of oil is already at 100 dollars a barrel, we know whathappened in the Gulf of Mexico last April - deep horizon BP oil rigexplosion and then an encore of leaking oil for about a month - whatwas the result of that? The answer is simply 'a moratorium' placed onnew offshore drilling, which in turn reduces the production of oilmaking us more dependent on […]

todayJanuary 7, 2011 7

Daily Clip

Becky In San Antonio’s Familiar With Socialistic Medical System. Say’s It Doesn’t Work.

(Audio) Mandeville, LA - After Mike wrapped up his summary of the Socialistic Medical Plan weare currently debating as a Country, we got a little listener feedbackfrom Becky down in San Antonio. Turns out Becky is retired military andtherefore receives "free" medical care, after a nominal yearly fee.Sounds flawless right? Absolutely wrong. The proof is in the puddingfolks, listen to this clip to hear Becky specifically say:"It does not work […]

todayJanuary 6, 2011 12

Daily Clip

The Elimination Of Medicaid And Medicare

(Audio) Mandeville, LA - It must be 'Free Phone Friday' because we've got Gayle on the linefrom the center of Libtard hell, known as Connecticut, and she wouldlike some input on just what to do with Medicaid and Medicare. Have noLibtard fear, Mike Church is here: As far as Medicaid and Medicare isconcerned the States participate in it voluntarily, the FederalGovernment sets the guidelines, pay structures and orders the States […]

todayDecember 30, 2010 14

Daily Clip

The Way Out Of This is Liberty

(Audio) Mandeville, LA - Just a reminder; the last time the Republican Party was in control andit 'fixed' the economy it led to the greatest bubble burst in thehistory of the known universe. Yes we got the Bush tax cuts, howeverthe spending never halted. Yes we got a million and a half fake phonyjobs in the construction industry, however with the housing crisisthere is no more work.  Mike Church's solution: […]

todayDecember 29, 2010 6

Daily Clip

The War Between Us And Our Wealth

 (Audio) Mandeville, LA- This may be surprising to you folks, butwe've found yet another waste of money and efficiency in the FederalLeviathan up in Mordor on the Potomac. Question: Why do we have Federal system where Congress stays in D.C. all year long?The State Legislatures aren't there all year long, and if a crisisarises they can use the advancements of technology to Facetime, picture message,tweet, text, post, voicemail or whatever […]

todayDecember 27, 2010 12

Daily Clip

No Need For Minimum Wage In Free Markets

(Audio) Mandeville, LA - In case anyone out there is confused about orunder the impression that we operate under free market principles, thenallow the fundamental teachings of The Mike Church Show to immediatelytake precedence in your life. The last thing we are under is a freemarket, you've better luck stumbling across a free beer on ladies nightthan you do a free market. What we have instead is regulated markets,over-regulated markets […]

todayDecember 23, 2010 10

Daily Clip

Federal Reserve Has No Christmas Spirit Whatsoever

(Audio) Mandeville, LA - Got a story here from Thursday, but given the season and all of it's tis' jolly-ness,we felt it relevant to divulge in it for just a few minutes thismorning. Apparently a small town bank in Oklahoma was told thatreligious decoration is inappropriate, and get this, the examiners that'bah-humbugged' the bank that was simply trying to spread a littleChristmas cheer were none other than the Federal Reserve, […]

todayDecember 20, 2010 7
