Founders Pass

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Founders Television

What is the National Media Doing in Newtown, CT?

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Video and Audio - What is the national media even doing in Newtown, CT? Any time there's a terrible tragedy of this sorts, every major news network has an anchor ready to parachute in and exploit the people that were affected by some crazy lunatic. Fox, MSNBC, and CNN have also decided that what we should be talking about at Christmas-time, instead of the birth of […]

todayDecember 18, 2012 5

Founders Television

Let’s Hang the Nullifiers! – Senator Gaetz of Florida

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Video and Audio - It sounds like the people of Florida have the right idea... nullifying ObamaCare, but their Senator does not. He brings up a story about Andrew Jackson which includes hanging and shooting the nullifiers. Is that really what it's come to Mr. Gaetz? People who want less government in their lives are being talked about like criminals who should be hanged? It's not […]

todayDecember 13, 2012 9

Founders Television

Interview with Brion McClanahan – Secession is Legal… But is it Still Too Soon?

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Video and Audio - On today's Founders TV show we have special guest Professor Brion McClanahan discussing the legality of Secession. You can find his article on the subject right here at We agree that Secession is legal, but is it still too soon for the American public? Mike and Brion also discuss what will happen to the average American if the Federal security blanket […]

todayDecember 12, 2012 2

Founders Television

Secession Petition Signers are “Whiny Diaper Babies”… According to One Huffington Post Writer

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Video and Audio - Bob Cesca has an interesting article at the Huffington Post on the illegality of Secession, equating it to goblins and unicorns. Well, we have some other writers and articles to challenge you with, specifically an article by Doug Bandow at the CATO Institute entitled "The Great Secession" and our friend Brion McClanahan's (who will be on Founders TV tomorrow) article "Is Secession […]

todayDecember 11, 2012 1

Founders Television

“The Russian Who Beat Napoleon Teaches Victory by Retreat” -Nock

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Video and Audio - As Albert Jay Nock explains in his essay at The American Conservative, America Can Learn a Lot From Kutusov. There's nothing to be gained from the belief that we can continue trying to fix this Federal monstrosity that is going on. What is the best possible outcome to the fiscal cliff? That we ONLY add $5 Trillion to the debt over the […]

todayDecember 6, 2012 5

Founders Television

Mike and David Simpson Discuss the Important Things: Christmas and Kids

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Video and Audio - What is the reason for the season? Buying a present? Giving a gift? Christmas used to be a celebration of the birth of Jesus and the gathering of family and friends but now it's been replaced by Black Friday and Cyber Monday. And don't even try to bring faith or religion into the household, it has no place being there, that's for […]

todayDecember 5, 2012 3

Founders Television

Bombshell: Fox News Tried to Convince Petraeus to Run for President

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Video and Audio - Any kind of integrity that Fox News had before this story is gone, the supposed "Fair and Balanced" is completely out the window... Fox News, specifically Roger Ailes, tried to enlist General Petraeus as a presidential candidate in Spring of 2011. There's even an audio recording of the conversation between Fox News analyst K.T. McFarland and General Petraeus where he says he […]

todayDecember 4, 2012 13

Founders Television

Time for an Article Five Convention?

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Video and Audio - Why should we have an Article Five Convention? Well, let's look at what happened on Thanksgiving and the day after, Black Friday, just as an example: on Black Friday, the US Treasury increased the National Debt by over $24 Billion dollars, divide that by each household in the United states and it comes out to over $200. So even if you didn't […]

todayDecember 3, 2012 6

Founders Television

Waiting for People to Awaken Intellectually is Like Waiting for the Dead to Arise

Mandeville, LA - Exclusive Video and Audio - "YOU JUST WAIT AND SEE" How may times have we heard that one? Well, we may as well be waiting on the dead to arise while we're waiting on the Republicans to stop Obamacare or anything else they've said they're going to do. Here's an idea... Instead of waiting around for other people to do things for you, actually go out and […]

todayNovember 28, 2012 5
