Lives Of The Saints

40 Results / Page 3 of 5



Living Advent And Stealing Christmas Back From The Grinch

Mandeville, LA - In Ted Geisel's The Grinch Who Stole Christmas, Geisel makes the signal point that Christmas "doesn't come from a store, maybe, maybe, Christmas means a whole lot more". Now, the Grinch and his lovable dog Max don't practice Advent mind you but they do at least wait to celebrate the feast day ON the feast day and not in the 25 preceding days. There is no finer […]

todayDecember 2, 2018 7


#MAGA? Restore The Kingship of Christ The King

Mandeville, LA - The following are my comments delivered before the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass today on the 23nd Sunday after Pentecost and the feast of Saint Jude and Saint Simon and also the Feast of The Kingship of Christ. To those who say that Christ’s Kingdom is not of this world and, consequently, religion and politics must be separated, Pius addressed these strong words: “It would be a […]

todayOctober 28, 2018 11


The Joyous Miracle of Building A Hospital In A London Swamp

Mandeville, La - Join storyteller and author KV Turley as he weaves this most amazing story of London's oldest operating hospital, Saint Bartholemew's of London. The official version of the story goes like this. St Bartholomew's was established by Rahere, a courtier and favourite of King Henry I. It is thought that it was the death of the king’s wife Matilda, followed two years later by the drowning of their […]

todaySeptember 11, 2018 20


When Black Lives Really Mattered-The Story of Saint Peter Claver, Apostle of The Slaves

Mandeville, LA - The Story of Saint Peter Claver, Apostle of The Slaves. Article by Mike Church ©2018 Saint Peter Claver, “saint of the slaves”, was born in Verdu, Spain in 1580. As a youth he demonstrated a holiness that inspired all who came to know him. His parents resigned to raise the funds to send him to school and secured a position for him at the Jesuit monastery in Tarragon; Peter was […]

todaySeptember 9, 2018 7


Meet The Saint Who, Get This, Actually Believed Practicing The Faith Was Important!

Mandeville, LA - In our modern world, so filled with contrivances and conveniences we've transferred the work of physical survival to machines. In our catholic lives we've transferred our spiritual survival to perfunctory practices of optional weekly Masses and our apostolic efforts!? Most don't rise Baphomet and boys out of Hell to repulse, they don't see them as threats to their current reign. We could use some imitation of Saint […]

todayAugust 19, 2018 20


All Hail The Courageous And Beautiful Saint Clare, Model of True Feminism

Mandeville, LA - The modern "feminist" movement currently promotes the mortally sinful and horrifying, in the eyes of God, proposition that femininity is animated by the obsessive pursuit of sexual gratification. The current edition of the most popular publication of this error is Cosmopolitan magazine, the current cover is shown, right. I won't put into print what the graphic image displays and that includes the shameless, immodest exploitation of former […]

todayAugust 12, 2018 7


Permission To Die-The Story of The Carmelite Martyrs of Compiegne

"The Day the REAL Music Died." - Mike Church, Writer, Director, Narrator. UPDATE: Permission To Die will be released for On-Demand listening/downloading, Tuesday, July 24th and includes 4 minutes cut from the broadcast edition and the final versions of the original soundtrack. The download link is here! Mandeville, LA - Mike Church narrates the epic tale of the ultimate sacrifice offered by 16 Carmelite nuns on 17 July, 1794, on […]

todayJuly 21, 2018 21


How You Can Drink From The Holy Grail… Today!

Mandeville, LA - As Charles Coulombe writes in his masterpiece work on the Holy Grail, "one can view the Holy Grail during the consecration of the most precious blood in any celebration of the Holy Mass. We all know of the Shroud of Turin which shows the Holy Face and body of Our Lord but few know of Veronica's veil; that cloth that tradition says Saint Veronica lovingly presented it […]

todayJuly 1, 2018 6


Fathers Day Martyrs, Saints Nicander and Marcian

Mandeville, LA - Saints Nicander and Marcian were martyred under the diabolical reign of emperor Diocletian around the year 303; tradition holds that the two were brothers who fought side by side in the Roman Legion until they were given orders to seize Christians. Now am I favoured with that comfort, and I behold you going to glory, and myself made the wife of a martyr. Give to God that testimony […]

todayJune 17, 2018 11
