
504 Results / Page 36 of 56



 Is That A Wetland On your Property Or A Patch Of Land That Identifies As a “Wetland”, Sir?

Mandeville, LA - The EPA is getting into the LGBTQrstlne fan-boy business now by conducting an all-important survey to catalogue all EPA employees sexual preferences and what "gender" they currently identify with. I am puzzled though as to why the usual suspect, ACLU types aren't screaming "invasion of privacy" and "unconstitutional!" over this massive data gathering? The email sent last week by EPA Chief of Staff Matt Fritz announced a “ground-breaking” pilot program that […]

todayAugust 31, 2016 9


Keeping The Counter-Reformation Going-Mike Church Speaking Event

Mandeville, LA - I am delighted and honored to announce that I will be presenting at the St Benedict Center's conference "Keeping The Counter-Reformation Going". Details of the September 30-Oct 1 event are below, please make plans to attend make reservations early, you won't want to miss these 2 days of fellowship, enlightenment and the beautiful Fall weather of NH! Register now! Click here or call (603) 239-6485. Join us on […]

todayAugust 30, 2016 3


When Ignorant, “Bible Believing” Christians Lie, It’s Christ Who Suffers

Mandeville, LA - I was researching a guest's bio, Mary Eberstadt, when I came across a review of her book "It's Dangerous to Believe" at the New American website, by Steve Byas. Byas's review is fair and a good read but in breaking my own rule, (I read some of the comments) I was sickened and broken hearted to read the stultifying and wildly inaccurate statements from "Christian" members of the […]

todayAugust 30, 2016 4


Veritas et Sapientia-Thanks To Modern Thinking, Man Has Not Lost His Way, He’s Lost His Destination

Mandeville, LA - "We may now return to the purpose of our awkward parenthesis about the praise of the future and the failures of the past. A house of his own being the obvious ideal for every man, we may now ask (taking this need as typical of all such needs) why he hasn't got it; and whether it is in any philosophical sense his own fault. Now, I think […]

todayAugust 12, 2016


My “Outer Circle” Is Slowly Being Outed As Greedy Protector Of The “Inner Circle”

Mandeville, LA - Corporations were once the go to institutions when Hollyweird needed a movie bad-guy, that prize should now go to "think tanks". While "the left" is revving its war machine up to use slick Hilly's election as the catalyst for a war to end the tax-exempt status of the Church, the real demonically guided entities, "think-tanks", skate by wealthy beyond concept and "tax-free, non-profit". This NY Times exposé is […]

todayAugust 8, 2016 3


Mike Church Show-LIVE! Why Trump Will Still Win 48 States

Mandeville, LA - Taking a week off from the grind of daily media and talk and news and controversy and Hillary and.... you get the picture, helps calm and ground the soul to that most important quest of all Men: Eternity. As I start gathering material for tomorrow's and the near future's shows I am surprised at the "inevitable Hillary" narrative that has gestated in these last peaceful 8 days. […]

todayAugust 7, 2016 2


No, Mrs. Dingle, You Can NOT Be Pro-Life AND A Hillary Voter

Mandeville, LA - If you don't study Philosophia Perennis but want a textbook case of illogic and pathetic Christian Ethics, then read this: "I'm pro-life. And I'm voting for Hillary. Here's why."  "Everything Planned Parenthood has believed in and fought for over the past 100 years is on the ballot.” If you're voting for Hillary you are, by your informed consent, granting license to the taking of life that has already occurred […]

todayAugust 6, 2016 3


Clint Didier: unexpected rewards of being a Super Bowl Champion

Mandeville, LA - LISTEN LIVE CLICK HERE Friday August 5th @ 1pm CENTRAL on Clint Didier two time Super Bowl Champion as a tight end with the Washington Redskins, today a farmer and candidate for US Congress in Washington's 4th district. He sits down with Kurt Wallace to discuss growing up on a farm in rural Washington and what life was like for his parents and his four siblings. He […]

todayAugust 5, 2016 6
