
504 Results / Page 52 of 56



When Confronted With Film Of Abortion’s Handiwork, Libs Lash Out at Filmmakers

Mandeville, LA - The Pro-Life group Created Equal produces a video that graphically shows what aborted babies look like with some of the children still kicking and grasping for air and what is the reaction from Philadelphia citizens? "That's inappropriate to be shown in a public place" said one woman WITH her child cuddling her. Of the 6 New Jersey newscasters for "The Chase" (a news crew) only 1 could bring himself to […]

todayNovember 12, 2014 2


Baby Killers Celebrate “Personhood Amendments” Failure-Heaven Lights “Vacancy” Sign

Mandeville, LA -  A civilization that preens with macabre joy at human life being called something other than human is doomed to have no human life worth defending. Witness the sick joy the ACLU lauds voters in Colorado and North Dakota for rejecting "Personhood Amendments". “For the third time, Colorado voters have said loud and clear: We don’t want extremists interfering in our personal and private decisions, and we won’t […]

todayNovember 5, 2014 1

Mike's Hate Mail graphic


This Letter Is Why Pope Francis Is Approaching Apostasy-Commies Love Him

Mandeville, LA - I have hundreds of notes from this particular letter writer, whom I never correspond with until today. His complaints against what he hears on my radio show included, but aren't limited to: • The Declaration incorporated the earth under Congress •The Constitution Incorporated the universe to Congress •The 14th Amendment was sent by Lucifer to consecrate every heresy & sin imagined Under Congress •John Taylor was a kindergarten […]

todayOctober 29, 2014 6


It’s a SURE Bet, Jesus Knew Gal Queda Would Arise When He Made Marriage

Mandeville, LA - The conceit of our times is evident in nearly everything we read, see, and hear. Humility has no bridegroom in the era of ME. Case in point, the latest attempts to shoe-horn the inerrant word of Our Lord into the pseudo-conservative and vulgar progressive latest avant-garde lifestyles. Case in point, The Week's Damon Linker weighs in on the Holy Father Frances's latest efforts to "liberalize" Chuch teaching […]

todayOctober 28, 2014 9


Newsflash: There IS NO Morality Without Religion. Turning Me Off Won’t Change That

Mandeville, LA - The refrain is familiar and predictable whenever the topic of morality comes up on-air. "I am a moral person but I don't believe in religion or God." Which is then usually followed by "I rely on you for the Constitution not this morality crap you try shoving down our throats these days. I have now stopped listening until you are moved to the Catholic channel or fired […]

todayOctober 27, 2014 5


What Does “Conservatism”, Conserve These Days? Conservative Porn

Mandeville, LA - "Conservatives" promote porn. "Conservative" means absolutely nothing save for a catchy name to attach to your marketing and ad campaign, exhibit 4,941,517: This ad (shown above, click for a sharper image) appears on a very prominent "conservative" website which I will not name in the interest of believing they cannot possibly know what their ad agency is serving on the site to "conservative" readers.  Folks, modesty has no defender […]

todayOctober 20, 2014 13

Mike's Hate Mail graphic


Hate Mail: Anyone Who Votes “Catholic” Is a Threat To Freedom

Mandeville, LA - When the gentleman called this morning and asked if I would vote for Nancy Pelosi because "she's a Catholic" he was sincere. I had stated that "I vote Catholic, then party. By Catholic I mean I vote FIRST and FOREMOST for LIFE, then the remaining catechism (if it's at issue), THEN by secular issue, never by political party. The following response is the first one received. I […]

todayOctober 20, 2014 5



The Vatican Synod & The Catholic Laity’s Temptation: A Hall Pass on Heresy

Mandeville, LA - Rod Dreher points to other bloggers painting the actions of the Vatican Synod and Pope Francis as the long range plan to achieve a liberal view of Church teaching on marriage and family but there is a fatal flaw in all the arguments choosing sides in this spectacle: Doctrine is based on Gospel fulfillment of Old Testament "Types". As Augustine, Ambrose, Benedict and Aquinas consistently point out, NOTHING in […]

todayOctober 15, 2014 6
