
1001 Results / Page 82 of 112



A Membership Appeal From Mike Church-AND A FREE Download of Patrick Henry For Signing Up!

Mandeville, LA - My  Dear Friends, PLEASE consider supporting this site JUST IN TIME for the GOP debates and our FAMOUS, Founders Pass Members Only, LIVE coverage and chatrooms. =====FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY====== SIGN UP FOR A YEARLY MEMBERSHIP AND RECEIVE A FREE DOWNLOAD OF MIKE CHURCH'S "PATRICK HENRY-AMERICAN STATESMAN-THE AUDIOBOOK"!! This is part 1 of 4 and runs TWO HOURS and 29 MINUTES of founding father history covering the […]

todayAugust 17, 2015 14


American Republic by Orestes Brownson-Free Chapter Preview

Mandeville, LA - Orestes Brownson was one of the most celebrated and controversial statesman of the last half of the 19th century. He was born on September 16, 1803 to Sylvester Augustus Brownson and Relief Metcalf. Around 1830 Brownson began a long publishing & ministerial career that included his conversion to Catholicism in 1844. Brownson remains controversial today, Historian Joseph Stromberg commented, critically on Brownson, at Anamnesis.   PLEASE READ: An Appeal […]

todayAugust 17, 2015 10


Welcome & Support Monday’s Special Guest Father Daniel Heenan-Cult, Culture & Conversions

For A Benedict Option There Must Be a Saint Benedict - by Father Daniel Heenan Mandeville, LA - On Monday, 17 August, we will be blessed with an in-studio visit from Father Daniel Heenan of the Fraternal Society of St Peter (FSSP). Fr. Heenan will talk with me about the "Benedict Option", writer Rod Dreher has made popular, give us some exciting history of St. Benedict's life AND discuss how our […]

todayAugust 15, 2015 6


Introducing Washington Irving’s Life of George Washington-1868 HANDMADE EDITION

CLICK HERE TO READ A FREE CHAPTER FROM WASHINGTON IRVING'S LIFE OF GEORGE WASHINGTON! Mandeville, LA - The author of Rip van Winkle and The Legend of Sleepy Hollow should need no introduction. FOX TV is in the 3rd season of a TV version of Sleepy Hollow and Irving’s other books still sell well. Still, few admirers of the founding fathers are aware that Irving’s crowning literary achievement was the […]

todayAugust 13, 2015 21


Chesterton: Where There is “Serious” Love of Animals (Cecil) There Is Human Sacrifice (abortion)

Mandeville, LA - G.K. Chesterton settled the argument against "animal rights" in Western societies long before it would become reborn as doctrine to justify the human sacrifice of babies by elevating the life of the former over the latter. In this essay on "Seriousness" from his book The Uses of Diversity, Chesterton refuted the growing sophistries and heresies of his day including state of dress, Mormonism and Christmas! In this […]

todayAugust 10, 2015 28


To Megyn Kelley: St Peter’s Gate Demands Charity Not Taxpayer Subsidies

Mandeville, LA - Let me see if I understand this correctly: FAUX NEWS is watched by "conservatives". Megyn Kelley is a "conservative commentator" on FAUX NEWS. THEREFORE, if you "insult" Megyn Kelley you lose FAUX NEWS'S "conservative" voters including the self-annointed baron de Red States, this equals: HILLARY WINS (she and her id already have won, see Planned Parenthood). Rod Dreher is outraged and in on the Benedict Option to can […]

todayAugust 8, 2015 12


Planned Parenthood=Monsters Inc. Those Little Arms Aren’t From Barbie Dolls

Mandeville, LA - The Center for Medical Progress has just released video #5 in their expose of the diabolical actions of Planned Parenthood clinics. I ask "pro-choicers" if they think the body parts, shown in these screen-caps from this latest video, came from a Barbie Doll or Mr. PotatoHead set? These are REAL parts, ripped from very much alive babies under the misnomer "abortion". Heaven help us for standing idly by […]

todayAugust 4, 2015 9


The Butchers Of Planned Parenthood & “Pro-Choicers” Make Aztecs Look Holy

Mandeville, LA  - I spent the better part of the day today tracking down a reliable history of the Spanish conquest of Mexico. After wading through dozens of books and essays that establish their conclusion before beginning their Preface, they go something liked this: The greedy, bloodthirsty Catholics led by the despicable Cortez, robbed the peaceful Aztecs of their serene, idyllic lives, lived in harmony with nature and brotherly love […]

todayAugust 3, 2015 14
