
1001 Results / Page 86 of 112



Study Philosophy With Brother Francis & Mike Church

Mandeville, LA - I hope the title of this piece doesn't imply that I am TEACHING a course in philosophia perennis because that is not the case. I will be studying Brother Francis Maluf's marvelous philosophia perennis lecture series WITH YOU. Best of all, the St Augustine Center has blessed us with a 20% discount off the regular price for the course (read Brother Francis's bio here). This will reduce […]

todayApril 13, 2015 9



The Christian Menu At Carl’s Jr. & Gay Marriage Have Nothing In Common

Mandeville, LA - Please witness prominent conservatives and "theologians" incapable of relating Christ's dogma on homosexuality, neighborliness and gay marriage. A "Catholic theologian" proposes 3 hypotheticals to absolve himself from the charge of "homophobia". Since a hypothetical has yet to actually occur, this is the flimsiest of grounds to base a moral dogma on. C) Marriage is suddenly legalized in your state. They [the homosexual neighbors] marry and ask you to bake […]

todayApril 7, 2015 14


Amazing Deal For Mike Church Fans: A Yearly Founders Pass Is Now HALF-PRICE

THIS PROMOTION HAS EXPIRED, THANK YOU TO ALL WHO TOOK ADVANTAGE OF THE GENEROSITY OF OUR PATRON. “Recently, a very generous listener agreed to invest some of his wealth into an effort to help us attract 100 new, Yearly, Founders Pass members. Here's his offer: He will pay HALF of YOUR first year's membership!” Click to take him up on his offer UPDATED, WE CAN STILL OFFER 100 72 18 MORE, 1/2 PRICED, […]

todayApril 7, 2015 10


Remember Good Friday And Our Lord’s Passion

Mandeville, LA - Rediscover the Passion of Our Lord today by reading the Gospel of St John, Chapters 14-19 (see below). I also watched The Passion by Mel Gibson, weeping the whole time in awe of what He did for us miserable children. Ch 14 Christ's discourse after his last supper. [1] Let not your heart be troubled. You believe in God, believe also in me. [2] In my Father' […]

todayApril 3, 2015 3



In Search of A Father For American Conservatism? Behold, Leo XIII

Mandeville, LA - Bruce Frohnnen posits that the American Conservative, quoting Bugs Bunny, has "gone Left at Albuquerque" and is no longer conservative in the "tradition...of Russell Kirk...and the father of modern conservatism, Edmund Burke."  I reply: Was there ever any debate over Burke being tagged as the "father of conservatism"? "Conserving" the secular system that has produced the horrific, sin-drenched civilization we occupy is at best a rear guard […]

todayApril 2, 2015 6


Time To Admit: We’re All Pseudo-Intellectuals Now

Mandeville, LA- The "think tank" that Joshua Maruvchik claims as his professorial home is supposed to be the incubation center for our best and brightest, our "[pseudo]-intellectuals. This is obviously not what the "Ivy League" or it's preparatory schools are producing. In the essay "Intellectuals And Their Discontents" Russell Jacoby lays out the experience of the classical, "public intellectual" which in ancient Roman days would have meant "orator" (Augustine was […]

todayMarch 18, 2015 10



Christian Conservatives Must File For Divorce From Abusive Bride: The GOP

Mandeville, LA - I have been warning you that the Republican Party cannot and will not be the entity that helps "take back America" if the taking back includes a revival of the Christian moral teaching of 1900 years. We now have the proof that this is becoming reality and that Christian conservatives better prepare themselves for the martyrdom that is to come as a result of the Error of the secular conversion […]

todayMarch 13, 2015 8


Wisdom Wednesdays LIVE TV Stream With Mike Church and David Simpson

Mandeville, LA - 11 March, 2015 - David Simpson and Mike Church produced a lively discussion on the following topics from an enthusiastic Apologetic viewpoint. The Wisdom Wednesday audio is FREE the day of broadcast but will be for Founders Pass Members Only afterward (there will still be a FREE preview). •A Knights of Columbus Chapter in Norfolk, VA, invites pro-abortion and pro-homnosexual marriage, governor of VA, Terry MacAuliffe to […]

todayMarch 11, 2015 14
