Liberty Institute

184 Results / Page 5 of 21



Don’t Blame Millennials-Set them Straight-Pops…

NASHVILLE-- Generational warfare is nothing new. Each generation paradoxically believes itself to be smarter than the one before and wiser than the one that follows. That being said, I see many parents and grandparents constantly damning the directions taken and views espoused by America's millennial generation. For all our faults, we millennials are not entirely to blame. Those who raised us are to blame. The previous two generations are responsible […]

todayAugust 31, 2015 8

Founders Corner

Patrick Henry-American Statesman Audio Book Narrated by Mike Church-Pt I of IV Now For Sale

Mandeville, LA  - UPDATED-CHAPTERS 6, 5, 4, 3, 2 and 1 ARE NOW POSTED FOR FOUNDING BROTHERS & FATHERS! - Founding Father Films Publishing announced the release of the audiobook edition of our 2013 best-seller "Patrick Henry-American Statesman. The audiobook edition will be released in chapters as they are released and then as a completed audiobook download. Chapter 1 of the audiobook edition is available for Founders Pass Members to […]

todayAugust 15, 2015 15


John Adams Was Wrong: There Is NO Reason To Celebrate “A Declaration of Independency” Any Longer

Mandeville, LA - John Adams to Abigail Adams, 3 July, 1776. Yesterday the greatest Question was decided, which ever was debated in America, and a greater perhaps, never was or will be decided among Men. A Resolution was passed without one dissenting Colony "that these united Colonies, are, and of right ought to be free and independent States, and as such, they have, and of Right ought to have full […]

todayJuly 2, 2015 8

The Constitution

First They Came For Stonewall Jackson & I Said Nothing

Mandeville, LA - The Governor of SC just caved into a mob and called for the State House to be cleansed of Confederate Heritage. Score 1 for the madman, kill enough people and the cowardly get their way. The Legislature ought to tell the governor to pound sand and find another fall-guy for the diabolical actions of a mass murderer. Professor Clyde Wilson was correct and so was Pat Buchanan […]

todayJune 22, 2015 4

The Constitution

Manufactured Outrage At Confederate Flags Solves Nothing

Mandeville, LA - In his still to be refuted or even challenged history lesson on the Constitutional right to secession Is Davis a Traitor?, Albert Taylor Bledsoe reminded readers, still suffering the ravages of Lincoln and his Republican hecnhmen, of the dubious outrage of "the abolitionist North" directed at the Confederate Flag South, that they hated the wrong flag. "Such was the gentle and persuasive language, and such were the […]

todayJune 22, 2015 9

What Lincoln Killed flyer

The Constitution

Lincoln’s Letter To Horace Greeley on Slavery

Mandeville, LA - Since this comes up so often on the Mike Church Show on Sirius/XM I thought I'd go ahead and add this to the site's archives. Notice that the Great Emancipator does not care which method of dealing with the issue of slavery is used to "save the union". It should also come as an intellectual sledgehammer to the head that regardless of his "intentions" Lincoln did NOT […]

todayJune 22, 2015 8

Founders Corner

Dr. Greg Brannon: No Liberty Is Possible Without Right To Life

Mandeville, LA - The following editorial was written by Dr. Greg Brannon, a former candidate for the U.S. Senate. No Life, No Liberty By Gregory J. Brannon Abortion: the word itself stirs strong emotions in most people. Why is that? Is it be because it is the ending of a ‘mistake’ applied to an innocent life? The truth must be uncovered; ignorance is not bliss. I hope to dig deeper into […]

todayJune 9, 2015 13
