The Constitution

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Letters of Marque & Reprisal Civics 101

The Constitution

The War Power To Take Out Cartels: Letters of Marque & Reprisal-Mike’s 2014 LPAC Speech

Letters of Marque & Reprisal-Mike's 2014 LPAC Speech (Nota bene: This was originally published on 21 September, 2014) Mandeville, LA - UPDATED: The video from this talk has been posted by LPAC - see previous speeches here and here, you can view it below. Here are my audio remarks from the 2014 LPAC convention held at the Hilton. I have enclosed the written version as well, which is in draft […]

todayJanuary 28, 2025 60

The Constitution

How The Founding Fathers Defined Natural Born Citizen

How The Founding Fathers Defined Natural Born Citizen ORIGINALLY PUBLISHED: Aug 19, 2013 Mandeville, LA - The question will come up for Senator Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio's eligibility to become President. The most cited law guide of the time the Constitution was ratified was Vattel's Law of Nature. PRINCIPLES OF THE LAW OF NATURE APPLIED TO THE CONDUCT AND AFFAIRS OF NATIONS AND SOVEREIGNS FROM THE FRENCH OF  - MONSIEUR […]

todayJuly 19, 2024 37

Founders Corner

Washington Irving’s “Life of Washington” – (hardback version)

Mike Church Presents - Washington Irving’s Life of Washington - Volume I (2nd Printing) “Mr. Irving, as usual, had been a good deal depressed about Life of Washington, and had avoided looking over it since its publication; but the following cordial letter from Bancroft helped to put him more in conceit of it, and made him hope that [the book] would not be the death of him, as he sometimes used […]

todayApril 27, 2018 11

Founders Corner

#NeverTrump’er Mark Levin, Now All-In With Trumpzilla. Oh But Don’t Worry, The TRM Will Still Save You From Trump!

Mandeville, LA -Kevin Gutzman and I began appealing for an Article V Amendment Convention in 2009 and this culminated in 2010's "A Federal Discussion On an Article V Convention" held at the Mordor-XM Studios in April (with an assist from Tom Woods). In 2014 Mark Levin who had for all of 2008-09-10-11-12 and 13 castigated Kevin and me as "back benchers" and "marginal college teachers" for the article V push, […]

todayJune 28, 2016 5

CRUSADE channel

The Constitution Hour Episode 20-The Constitution’s Framers Would Not Find Humor In Our Hilarious 2016 Election

Mandeville, LA - The Constitution Hour featuring Dr. Kevin Gutzman with host Mike Church. The Constitution Hour Episode 20-The Constitution's Framers Would Not Fin Humor In Our Hilarious 2016 Election. From the ineligibility of Ted Cruz to the near-avowed Marxism of Bernie "we must defend the revolution in Nicaragua" Sanders to the inexplicable rise of Donald Trump. We cover it all and even throw in some American History lessons you won't […]

todayMay 12, 2016 13

CRUSADE channel

The Constitution Hour, Episode 15 -Idaho & The Ice World of Hoth Use The Dreaded Incorporation Doctrine For 2nd Amendment “Rights”

Mandeville, LA - The Incorporation Doctrine is ballyhooed and quoted as dogma by nearly every "conservative" and certainly every "liberal" but it is a perversion of the 14th Amendment that gives it life. Kevin demolishes Idaho's government in claiming they need the 2nd Amendment to promote "concealed carry permits". Kevin also explains that the Founding Fathers were not "pompous white farmers" and then explains the 1st Amendment's "Establishment clause" and […]

todayMay 5, 2016 6

CRUSADE channel

The Constitution Hour Episode 16-The Problem of Ted Cruz’s SuperPACs & Ted’s Promise To Bring Constitutional Lunches Back To Public Schools

Mandeville, LA - SuperPACS are those menacing entities that were created by the Citizens United SCOTUS ruling and Kevin Gutzman explains why they're not constitutional then throws in the history of campaign financing. We also learn of Ted Cruz's promise that if elected, his FLOTUS will return hamburgers and french fries to school lunch menus as part of the discharge of the dubious, unconstitutional office of "First Lady". Support the Veritas […]

todayMay 5, 2016 8

Liberty Institute

The End of ‘Murican Government? What If It Never Existed!?

Mandeville, LA - The End of 'Murican Government? What If It Never Existed!? - The question of what is sovereignty is one that will not roll off the tongue of 90% of our fellow citizens and will not even enter the barren intellects of 99% of our elected class. That does not mean that the matter is irrelevant nor does it mean that concluding the matter correctly is impossible. Alexander Salter tries […]

todayMarch 15, 2016 12

Liberty Institute

The CRUSADE Channel’s Constitution Hour: The Truth of Nullification Is an Epic Scandal

Mandeville, LA - "The Constitution is a compact between states" begins Albert Taylor Bledsoe's  1866 opus "Is Davis A Traitor-Was There A Constitutional Right To Secession Previous To The War of 1861?". No Republican or Progressive ever bothered to answer Bledsoe because he answered his own question "Yes" and the linchpin of his argument was the Tenth Amendment to the Constitution, The 1787 Convention Notes, the VA Ratifying Convention Debates and the […]

todayMarch 3, 2016 10
