Mike Church

51 Results / Page 1 of 6



The KingDude Memorial Day War Movie Power Rankings

The KingDude Memorial Day War Movie Power Rankings by Mike Church UPDATED FOR 2021!! Tune In To The Mike Church Show Today To Hear The Latest, UPDATED, War Movie Power Rankings from The KingDude! CATCH: The CRUSADE Channel Goes To War! Our Salute To The Heroes of WWII! Now Playing Here Who doesn’t love watching a good war movie?! Not just to see the action scenes but to view the […]

todayMay 28, 2021 5


California Is Officially An “Aliens” Horror Film

"I say we take off and nuke the entire site from orbit, its the only way to be sure." - Ripley, from Aliens & parents of L.A. Unified Terror District I could not make through this PSA from the L.A. Unified Mental Ward For The Juvenile Insane. This child who has almost 0.0% chance of "getting sick" and dying from the CoronaHoax™ is terrified to go back to school but […]

todayMarch 1, 2021 9


Told Ya So: Rep. Nadler Confirms “God’s will is no concern of this Congress”

Rep. Nadler Confirms: "God’s will is no concern of this Congress" The Demoncrat Party is forcing its misnamed "Equality Act" bill through Congress, undeterred by the horrified protests of Christians and women that the bill will make "religious objections" to public AND private expressions of  _______________[insert sexual depravity or fake identity here] ILLEGAL and punishable by law. Rep Gerald Nadler, fresh off of his second consecutive, Shampeachment™ defeat, rises to […]

todayMarch 1, 2021 5

John Bel Edwards


The Cult of Death’s Demonic CoronaHoax™ “Hive” Hasn’t Changed Since Babylon-Part I

by The KingDude Joe Sobran was one of the most gifted wordsmiths of the last 50 years. His National Review columns were something I bought that garfish wrap for back in the 90's until they had to "fire" Joe for "anti-semitism". Sobran, a man's man who knew how to knot a double Windsor and chain smoke a pack of Lucky Strike in the same morning, went out on his own […]

todayFebruary 23, 2021 7



A Call To Arms: Join Us In The Confraternity of The CRUSADER Knights of The Most Holy Rosary

The Confraternity of The CRUSADER Knights of The Most Holy Rosary   The CRUSADER Knight Congress Has Concluded! The 1st CRUSADER Knight Congress met as scheduled and all delegates reported the event exceeded their expectations. In fact, we UNANIMOUSLY Resolved to meet for the 2nd CK Congress on the "1st Friday of November, next" and meantime to work on fortifying our kingdoms while expanding relations with each other. MISSED THE […]

todayFebruary 9, 2021 305


Now You Can Listen To The KingDude On Shortwave Radio

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 30 January, 2021 The CRUSADE Channel has just added another string to its already existing radio bow! From February 2021 the CRUSADE Channel will be broadcasting via shortwave radio across North America and beyond. Beginning each week day morning from 8am-9am Eastern, the internationally syndicated Mike Church Show takes to the air on the shortwave broadcast frequency: 5850 kHz. This is but the first stage in an […]

todayJanuary 30, 2021 14


The KingDude Has Moved to High Noon!

The Mike Church Show is now broadcast to the world via the CRUSADE Channel and the CRUSADE channel's app and YouTube feed! But during this preview week you can listen to and watch the Mike Church Show and the other, awesome, 21 hours of daily programming on the CRUSADE Channel. Click the image below to start your 30 day FREE trial which includes podcasts of the latest Mike Church Show […]

todayMarch 10, 2019 8


When Sister Marie Terese Came To Call For Our Lady

Mandeville, LA - You don't have to practice a devotion to Mother Mary to assist one of those who does because, as Saint Bernard reminds us of the mater consilii. "Let us honor her for the purity of her body, the holiness of her life. Let us marvel at her fruitful virginity, and venerate her divine Son. Let us extol her freedom from concupiscence in conceiving and from all pain […]

todayDecember 19, 2018 4
