Pile Of Prep

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Pile Of Prep

ObamaCare Fraud Would be Prosecuted By The Feds If Blue Cross Tried It

Mandeville, LA - Mike Church's daily Pile of Prep, chock full of the latest ObamCare fraud being perpetrated by the HHS & the White House with Mike's historical viewpoint to help make sense of it all plus other [r]epublican stories used to perform the Mike Church Show on Sirius/XM Patriot channel 125. "Wasn't the republic founded in a violent rejection of the British Empire? Didn't Paul Revere rouse a nation with […]

todayNovember 18, 2013 22

Pile Of Prep

Free Phone Friday Pile of Prep

Mandeville, LA - Mike Church's daily Pile of Prep, chock full of how Lincoln's Gettysburg speech founded the Church of American Exceptionalism Mike's historical viewpoint to help make sense of it all plus other [r]epublican stories used to perform the Mike Church Show on Sirius/XM Patriot channel 125.  "President Lincoln’s so called greatness rests upon four pillars: He saved the Union; He freed the slaves; He enhanced the core principles of […]

todayNovember 15, 2013 4

Pile Of Prep

Gettysburg Founded The Church of American Exceptionalism

Mandeville, LA -  Mike Church's daily Pile of Prep, chock full of how Lincoln's Gettysburg speech founded the Church of American Exceptionalism Mike's historical viewpoint to help make sense of it all plus other [r]epublican stories used to perform the Mike Church Show on Sirius/XM Patriot channel 125. "Whether the thirteen United States should be reduced to one great republic, governed by one legislature, and under the direction of one executive […]

todayNovember 14, 2013 23

Pile Of Prep

Hump Day, Wednesday, Pile of Prep

Mandeville, LA - "The whole field of public beneficence is thrown open to the care and culture of the Federal Government. Generous impulses no longer encounter the limitations and control of our imperious fundamental law; for however worthy may be the present object in itself, it is only one of a class. It is not exclusively worthy of benevolent regard. Whatever considerations dictate sympathy for this particular object apply in […]

todayNovember 13, 2013 4

Pile Of Prep

RINO Hunting, The New Tea Party Sport

Mandeville, LA - Mike Church's daily Pile of Prep, chock full the latest in RINO hunting that trendy sport making many of the Tea Partiers excited with solutionism, compare that  with Mike's historical viewpoint to help make sense of it all plus other [r]epublican stories used to perform the Mike Church Show on Sirius/XM Patriot channel 125. "For, if we are all individual selves with our own, self-chosen goals, and if […]

todayNovember 12, 2013 9

Pile Of Prep

Friday Pile of Prep

Mandeville, LA -  Mike Church's daily Pile of Prep, chock full of post election day 2013, Northern Colorado to "Secede or Die", vote with Mike's historical viewpoint to help make sense of it all plus other [r]epublican stories used to perform the Mike Church Show on Sirius/XM Patriot channel 125.“We are convinced that National Prohibition, wrong in principle, has been equally disastrous in consequences in the hypocrisy, the corruption, the […]

todayNovember 8, 2013 7

Pile Of Prep

Thursday Pile of Prep

Mandeville, LA  - Mike Church's daily Pile of Prep, chock full of post election day 2013, Northern Colorado to "Secede or Die", vote with Mike's historical viewpoint to help make sense of it all plus other [r]epublican stories used to perform the Mike Church Show on Sirius/XM Patriot channel 125. "True, the old folks nearly always think the world is going down. Some of the younger scoff at that, although my […]

todayNovember 7, 2013 3

Pile Of Prep

Wednesday Pile of Prep

Mandeville, LA - Mike Church's daily Pile of Prep, chock full of election day 2013, Northern Colorado to "Secede or Die", vote with Mike's historical viewpoint to help make sense of it all plus other [r]epublican stories used to perform the Mike Church Show on Sirius/XM Patriot channel 125. "Consider for an instance Washington’s manifesto in answer to Burgoyne’s demands for submission, August 1777: “The associated armies in America act from […]

todayNovember 6, 2013 3

Pile Of Prep

Is Northern Colorado Overrun With Young, PROGRESSIVES!? Will Secession Be DeceptiCONNED?

Mandeville LA -Mike Church's daily Pile of Prep, chock full of election day 2013, Northern Colorado to "Secede or Die", vote with Mike's historical viewpoint to help make sense of it all plus other [r]epublican stories used to perform the Mike Church Show on Sirius/XM Patriot channel 125.  "Why should we care about the life and health of these latter-day Medeas who kill their babies?  A more even-handed approach would […]

todayNovember 5, 2013 9
