
1980 Results / Page 219 of 220



Bradley Birzer Author Of American Cicero On The DudeMaker Hotline

[mp3t track='19012011_Transcript_2_pt.2.mp3'] (Audio) Mandeville, LA - If you're a frequent listener to the show then you may have heardthe KingDude mention a founding fellow by the name of Charles Carrollof Carrollton. You may have also heard him refer to the book 'American Cicero'which tells the life story of Charles Carroll. The reason for thisintroduction rests on the fact that Bradley Birzer was gracious enoughwith his time to be on the […]

todayJanuary 19, 2011 5


Bill Maher Pretending He Knows Something About The Founding Generation

[mp3t track='17012011_Transcript_2.mp3'] (Audio) Mandeville, LA - Today on the show we were fortunate, or unfortunate pending how you view the situation, to have some digital media files from one of our most favorite Libtards from the land of Libtardia - Mr. Bill Maher. We've taken the luxury to post the video for your viewing pleasure just in case you enjoy such bodily functions as gagging, vomiting, migraines, loss of self-esteem […]

todayJanuary 17, 2011 5


The Ratchet Effect Written By Robert Higgs & Explained By The KingDude

[mp3t track='14012011_Transcript_2.mp3'] (Audio) Mandeville, LA - This audio clip begins with the KingDude introducing one of thegreat economists and thinkers of our day, Mr. Robert Higgs and his book"Crisis In Leviathan". Higgs is credited with coining the term,'ratchet effect', which is still obviously with us today consideringyou had to click on the purple title containing both the words'ratchet' and 'effect'. If you're asking yourself what the ratcheteffect is then feel […]

todayJanuary 14, 2011 39


KingDude Doesn’t Accept The Plunder Of Big Gubbmint

[mp3t track='12012011_Transcript_1.mp3'] (Audio & Transcript) Mandeville, LA - Breaking News: The KingDude does not desire nor does he ever intend tomaterially accept the plunder of the Federal Government. Which, in anutshell, can be summed up as Big Gubbmint hand-outs, we here on TheMike Church Show are not 'down' with Gubbmint hand-outs. The mainreason being that all hand-outs, so to speak, given to citizens by theFederal Government is in it's simplistic […]

todayJanuary 12, 2011 5


Dr. Kevin Gutzman With Us Today Discussing Constitution Readings In Congress

[mp3t track='06012011_Transcript_2_pt.2.mp3'] (Audio) Mandeville, LA - Fortunate for us, one of our favorite and frequent guests of the showwas on the DudeMaker Hotline with us today. It's always a pleasure tohave Dr. Kevin Gutzman with us, and happens to be a great way to startoff the New Year. The KingDude and the Doc jump right into the topics at hand starting with and defining 'Signing Statements".Next, Young Nic cued up […]

todayJanuary 6, 2011 10


Professor Randy Barnett Pushing His Repeal Amendment

[mp3t track='201122010_Transcript_2_pt.2.mp3'] (Audio)Mandeville, LA -Very special guest with us today on the DudeMakerHot-Line. Professor Randy Barnett who is a lawyer and also a lawprofessor at Georgetown University Law Center, with his teachingsinclude constitutional law and contracts. So, if you've never heardRandy Barnett mentioned on the show before, now you know why he washere and gets the occasional mention. In fact, this past April theKingDude amongst a few others set up […]

todayDecember 20, 2010 7


Zuckerberg’s Charity Donation A Contribution To Leviathan?

[mp3t track='17122010_Transcript_1.mp3'] Related Material: Hear some more KingDude take on the art of 'charity' by checking out this clip from the archives ofThe Mike Church Show on Sirius/XM's Patriot Channel: The Immoral Nature of Coerced Charity  Begin Mike Church Show Transcript Mike:  So let me go through, let me just present something to you and give you a different point of view on it.  Everybody knows who Mark Zuckerberg is; […]

todayDecember 17, 2010 17


Dr. Kevin Gutzman On Judge Hudson’s Ruling On HealthCare Bill

[mp3t track='14122010_Transcript_2_pt.2.mp3'] (Audio)Mandeville, LA -We were honored and privileged to have Dr. KevinGutzman on the show with us today. Yesterday, Judge Hudson's rulingyesterday was Constitutionally sound for one of the rare times as of late with this Leviathan beast we have come to know. The KingDude andDr. Gutzman discuss the ObamaCare issue a bit further which leads themdown the avenue of unconstitutionality regarding Big Gubbmint trying tomandate us citizens to […]

todayDecember 14, 2010 6


What The Antnee Weiner/Megyn Kelly Debate Was Really About

[mp3t track='10122010_Transcript_1.mp3'] Begin Mike Church Show Transcript Mike:  Anthony Weiner, we saw the Weiner all up in Megyn Kellys grill, spouting on and babbling on about fairness and what have you.  You cant win an argument on fairness, folks.  You have to win a debate like this on the merits of your argument.  And there was Megyn Kelly saying, well, I dont know how you say that thats fair and […]

todayDecember 10, 2010 5
