The decline of chivalry, a significant part was the decline of being reverent to Our Lady.
It became more about how do you “seduce” the lady instead of how can you respect and treat the lady right.
Angels vs Demons – Angels can fly because they take things lightly vs Demons…
If we start taking ourselves too seriously, we will fall in the state of the Demons, the law of Gravity will do you in…Original sin.
We believe in miracles so we should believe everyone is redeemable.
Crossing the Tiber is a metaphor for coming to Rome. So crossing from the World to the Church so to speak.
Tampa Florida microbrews there are 48 of them!
They are personal, the person has dignified the product. It is made by the person. They have refined their craft. This is another example of Small Is Beautiful.
They are effectively just buying the label. They have no intention of continuing the beer.
Two things go hand in hand here. The scale and diminishing returns.
Once a product is made by a machine, it loses its charm.
Some things have to be produced on a big scale like cars but things like beer and cheese they need the human scale.
Chesterton wrote about all of those things….cheese, beer, wine. He knew what he was doing.
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