articles of confederation

38 Results / Page 2 of 5



How Federal Convention That Produced Constitution Came About

Federal Convention and the Constitution Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "So how did they arrive in Philadelphia on the 14th of May 1787?  They were supposed to have this convention.  And why would we care about that today?  Well, the reason we ought to care about it is because of the pretenses under which they were meeting.  What Madison and Hamilton had told the public and what they had told […]

todayMay 18, 2014 8


Propose New Government Proves States Independent Not Indivisible

Federal Convention of 1787 Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "Federal Convention of 1787 began 227 years ago today.  It was to meet in Philadelphia to consider amendments to the Articles of Confederation.  That’s all it was supposed to do.  It wasn’t supposed to be secret.  Few of the things that happened were actually supposed to happen.  It is thought by many, or fantasized by many, that those events that I […]

todayMay 14, 2014 6


Why Was Congress Granted Territory Power?

It Had Nothing To Do With Turtles, or Fish.....or Birds Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "There’s an interesting report that Mr. Hayward makes in the opening chapter of How the West Was Lost, which is entitled “From the Beginning.”  That’s that the clause in Article IV, Section 1 of the U.S. Constitution, that only applied and thus would apply to the land that was ceded by the several states that […]

todayApril 28, 2014 12



Christopher Ferrara Interview – Are Women Liberated or Objectified?

 Christopher Ferrara Interview - Parts I & II Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "Let’s go to the Dude Maker Hotline and say hello again to the author of Liberty, the God That Failed, Christopher Ferrara.  The first time you were on the program, I received multiple compliments on the subject matter because it’s subject matter that is, as you know in promoting your book, not standard fare for the mainstream.  […]

todayMarch 14, 2014 10

Mordor on potomac


Why Is Presidents Day A Holiday?

The General Government and the Power To Declare a Holiday Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "While we’re in the middle of the discussion here on Presidents’ Day, what power does the general government have to compel a holiday on the rest of us?  Not that most lazy, underachieving people out there that call themselves Americans won’t take the opportunity to seize upon any day that could be called a […]

todayFebruary 18, 2014 10



Liberty, The God That Failed – Part II

Part II - Christopher Ferrara Interview "Liberty, the God That Failed" Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – I told you people you were not going to expect what Christopher Ferrara was going to share with us.  His book is Liberty, the God That Failed.  Check out today’s transcript for the rest… Begin Mike Church Show Transcript Mike:  That is really, I think, as I learn more and as I read […]

todayJanuary 30, 2014 49


Abel Upshur – Constitution And Democracy Are Our Problems

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "The intriguing thing about reading Abel Upshur, or Judge Upshur, as he should be called, is that Upshur proceeds from the point of view that the fatal flaw in our American system -- and he predicts all the events of the 1860s and everything atrocious that has happened afterwards -- was brought about by what most of you think is the saving grace of the […]

todayJanuary 22, 2014 9

Daily Clip

How Edward Snowden Is Like Thomas Jefferson – Clip of The Day

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – "Thomas Jefferson was Vice President of the United States of America in 1798. When John Adams put his signature on the illegal monstrosity that was the Alien and Sedition Acts, what did Jefferson do? Did he ask for a redress of grievance to John Adams? Did he appeal to the inspector general: Dude, you can’t enforce this? What did he do? Jefferson initiated and […]

todayDecember 18, 2013 8


Yankee Caller Says No One Can Leave This Perpetual Union Of Indivisible States

Mandeville, LA – Exclusive Transcript – Here’s another great little historical inconvenience, Frank. Pennsylvania was also part of a perpetual union according to the Articles of Confederation. You have been living in this union in violation of your own theory, according to the act ratified in November of 1781 called the Articles of Confederation. How does that taste in your pipe? Check out today’s transcript for the rest…

todayNovember 21, 2013 11
